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(I found them on pintrest, I don't know their original owners but still credit to their og owners)

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(I found them on pintrest, I don't know their original owners but still credit to their og owners)

Name: Y/n=(Your name) Asim

Age: 14 (Past) 26 (Future)

Gender: Female

Height: 160 cm (Past) 168 cm (Future)

Hair color: H/C=(hair color) (Default: White)

Eye color: E/c=(eye color) (Default: Red eyes)

skin color: Tanned skin

Some info:

Y/n is the only child of the Asim family and as for being the only child, Y/n gets spoiled a lot. Y/n was a bit lonely when she was young, but she did have a friend, well, a servant to be more accurate, yet, she was a friend to her. Y/n was home schooled her whole life since she was young, but now she's finally free. Y/n is a bit ditsy and clumsy but she's kind, helpful, supportive and cheerful as others say, and Y/n is also notably oblivious and naive, and seems to be not very careful with her words. One last fact is that She doesn't have a very good memory so she would sometimes forget things a lot.

|more info will be shown soon|


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