Imagine #6: Sunset Love

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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't written in a while, I have been really busy lately and there hasn't been time for me to write. I hope you all enjoy this imagine!

(Erin's POV)

Warm, golden light from the sun shon through my window landing on my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced at my alarm clock on the table beside my bed; 10:36. I rolled out of bed and started getting dressed. I put on a pair of shorts, and a tank top, thinking that I can figure out what shoes to wear when I get downstairs. I looked out my window as I brushed through my golden brown hair. I saw the waves wash onto the sandy shore, taking in every bit of the beautiful scenery.
I ran down the stairs ready to get breakfast. As my foot touched the last stair, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I opened my phone to see who had sent me a message. I saw the name MASON flash on my screen. I kept walking to the kitchen as I read the text.
MASON: Morning Sleepy head!
I stopped and replied.
ME: Morning!
"Good Morning!" My mum said as she looked up from cup of coffee she was pouring.
"Morning Mum!" I said looking at her with a smile as I looked up from my phone.
"What do you want for breakfast, Erin?" mum asked as she made her way to the table with her coffee mug in hand.
"Um I'll make myself some eggs." I made my way to the fridge to grab some butter and eggs for breakfast. As I reached to grab a pan and the rest of the equipment I needed, my phone buzzed.
MASON: Wanna hang out today?
I started cooking the eggs.
"Hey mum, can I go and hang out with Mason today?" I asked looking up from the pan.
"Um, that depends. Where would you be going." I put the eggs on a plate and stopped for a moment.
ME: What would we be doing?
I waited for a reply.
MASON: Going on a hike, and maybe driving around.
I looked at my mom as I set down my plate on the table.
"We would be hiking and driving around." I told my mum, hoping that she would say yes and let me go. I had known Mason for years, and his parents were great friends with mine so it shouldn't be a big deal.
"Sure, why not?" Mum said with a smile.
"Thank you!" I said as I took a bite of eggs from my plate. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted back.
ME: I would love to!
It didn't take long before he replied.
MASON: Great! I'll pick you up at 11:30
ME: Sounds good!
I took a quick look at the clock; 11:17. I quickly finished my eggs and ran upstairs to finish getting ready.
In about 20 minuets I was ready to go. I heard the door bell ring and ran down the stairs. I opened the door and saw Mason standing there with a big smile across his face.

(Masons POV)

I stood at the door and watched as Erin opened the door. She looked absolutely amazing.
"Ready to go?" I asked.
"Yep!" She smiled and started to close the door. "I'm leaving with Mason now mum!" She yelled into the house before shutting the door.
"So where are we going?" She asked as we started walking.
"Ah! That's a surprise." I told her with a cheeky grin. I saw her hand swinging by her side as she walked. I wanted to grab her hand and never let it go. We started the walk to the beach which is only a few minuets away from where we live. When we arrived at the warm beach i lead her to a spot on where I left a towel and a picnic basket. As soon as Erin saw the set up she smiled and her eyes lit up. We sat down and enjoyed the sun. We talked and ate, it all seemed to be perfect. Erin was smiling and laughing. Time seemed to fly before my eyes. I quickly looked at my watch. About 2 hours until sunset.
"I have one last surprise." I helped her up and lead her toward my car.
"Where are we going?" She asked as we slid into the seats.
"Don't you know the meaning of a surprise?" I teased putting the car into drive and starting towards the mountains. I turned on the radio as we drove. I looked over at Erin and she was singing along to the radio.

-sometime after-

I pulled into the little parking lot and hopped out of my seat. I walked around and opened the door for Erin.
"This way." I looked at her with a big smile. We walked up the curved pathway and talked some more. I looked at her hand again as it swayed at her side. I looked at her and grabbed her hand pulling her into the bush.
"Where are we going?" She giggled as we walked deeper. I stopped walking.
"Close your eyes." I smiled at her.
"What?" She gave me a confused look.
"Just close your eyes, I'll guide you." I looked at her as she closed her beautiful eyes. She held out her hand, and I grabbed it. I lead her for 3 minuets deeper into the brush.
"Open your eyes." I whispered. She slowly opened her eyes.
The look on her face was a look of sheer joy and surprise, along with happiness.
"This is beautiful." she turned toward me, the light caught her eyes making every single colour come alive. the sunlight caught her gorgeous brunette hair turning it into a honey brown. I smiled at her. The sheets of water cascaded over the rocks and into the river below. I looked at the horizon and knew that it would be sunset in only a few minuets.
"Come this way." I lead her to the group of rocks where you could see every piece of the beautiful landscape.
"How did you know this was here?" Her eyes looked at me in wonder.
"I went walking a few years ago and found it. I come here to be alone and to remind myself of how wonderful the world is." I confessed sitting down. "In all honesty I haven't shown anyone this at all." I looked over my shoulder.
"Thank you for sharing it with me!" I felt her hand touch mine.
"Thank you for making this more special, and for showing me that there is even more beauty in my life." I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. I turned and saw that it was sunset.
"Now this is the second most gorgeous thing I have ever seen." I said gesturing to the sunset.
"What's the first?" She was still looking at the sunset but I saw her stop a moment to look at me.
"You." I kept looking at the sunset.
"What?" I could feel her green eyes staring at me.
"You," I turned to her. "you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen in my life." I smile. "now I have been wanting to ask you this for a long time." I grabbed both of her hands in mine. "Erin, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" She instantly said. She looked at me and smiled.
"May I kiss you?" I asked. Instead of replying she leaned in. I met her in the middle and kissed her. After I turned Andover my arm around her. I watched the sunset with the girl of my dreams beside me and thought of how lucky I was to have her in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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