Imagine #2 School Dance

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This was requested by: jayde_willie1717


In this imagine you get to choose your dress. Hope you like it let me know if I should do more imagines like this!!!!

" I can't wait for the dance tonight!" BFF/N says as you both head for your lockers.
"It's gonna fun..." You say sarcastically as you start packing up your stuff.
"Oh come on it will be great!" She looks at you sympathetically. "And I think he will totally ask you!"
"Haha! I don't think he will..." You grab your stuff and head for the bus.
"Of course he will!" You get on to the bus and was to your place.

••At your place••

"I don't know what to wear!!!" You scream turning around to the pile of clothes on your floor.
"Hey what about this one?" BFF/N asks you, pulling out a (strapless/stapes/one shoulder), (your fav. Color) dress that goes (too the floor/ too your knees). It's your favourite one too. "Try it on!" She says looking at your face and shoving the dress into your arms. Without an argument you walk to the bathroom and put on the dress.
"Oh. My. GOODNESS!" BFF/N says as your walk in. "You look amazing! C/N totally gonna ask you now!" You look in the mirror and smile. "I think we need to finish your hair and makeup now!"
"Okay...." You smile and BFF/N grabs you and sits you down on the chair. After an hour of makeup, hair and laughing you both make your way out the door.

••At the school••

You walk in to the school and all you here is the load music and shouting! You and BFF/N run into the gym ready for some music and fun. Right as you open the doors your see C/N. He's really Handsome!
"WOW! Look at C/N! He's really dressed sharp!" BFF/N says looking really shocked! C/N is wearing a TUX!
"I wonder what the occasion is?" Questions, BFF/N.
"I don't know" you start to walk to the edge of the gym and start to dance.

•1 hour later•

"Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gonna take it slow. Now grab that special someone and move on to the floor." The DJ calls over the mic. Your favourite slow song starts to play.
"Would you like to dance BFF/N?" Your friends crush asks your friend.
"Yes" she takes his hand and goes to the floor.
'Great I'm alone...' You think. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around. "Excise me beautiful," C/N asks you with his hands behind his back. You smile. 'I can't believe he's asking me to dance!' You think.
" I was wondering if I could have the honour of sharing a dance with an amazing woman such as yourself?" He finishes and your smile gets even bigger!
"I would love to" you say curtsying and he extends his hand. You take his hand he he guides you to the middle of the dance floor. You start to dance. He pulls you closer, and closer. Until you place your head on his shoulder.
"Your the most beautiful girl in the world" he whispers into your ear.
"Your the handsomest guy that ever lived" you whisper back. He smiles and you and kisses the top of your head! When the song ends you walk over to BFF/N. You talk for a bit about dancing with your crushes then the DJ comes on.
"Okay this song is a special request," then on comes your favourite song. "Now Ladies and Gentlemen please put your attention to the centre of the floor." Everyone looks to the centre of the floor where C/N stands with a mic in one hand and a rose in the other. He spots you and starts walking toward you. When he gets to you he pulls you to the centre of the dance floor.
"Y/N, I have like since I first saw you. You are the most amazing person I have ever met." He says into the mic going down on one knee. "I want to know, Y/N, if you would do me the honour of being," your heart beats faster and faster! This is like a dream. "My girlfriend?" He says looking up his eyes shining in the light. You smile.
"YES!!!!!" You shout as he stands up. He wraps his arms around you and you hug him! C/N looks at you grabs your chin and kisses you.


Hope you guys liked that one! Request more and ill post more!

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