Chapter 6 - Your back?

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"I don't think this is a good idea" Harper said
"Chief will love seeing you" Kelly explained
"I'm supposed to be dead! I nearly killed him Kelly" Harper said as she sighed
"It's going to be okay, I promise" Kelly said as they arrived at bodens house
Boden then saw Kelly's car from his window and opened the door
"New lady?" Boden laughed as Harper got out
Boden then went pale
"Hey chief" Harper said
"Is this some kind of sick joke?!" Boden yelled
"I can explain everything" Harper said softly
After an hour Boden is caught up to speed
"Did you have to die?" He asked
"It was the only way and I know the amount of trouble that I caused. I'm sorry" Harper explained
"We stopped putting up the firehouse tree after you...left" Boden admitted
"Why?" Harper asked
"That was the only thing you looked forward too, it didn't feel right celebrating without you" Kelly adds
"Well we still have 6 hours until Christmas Day! Let's decorate the firehouse!" Harper suggested
"But we don't work there anymore" Boden adds
"Oh please, my kids work there, in fact one of them took my job. I think I have a little power!" Harper added
After an hour they had collected the tree and arrived at the firehouse
"Mom? Dad?" Aria asked
"The firehouse is so depressing, let me show you Harper Severide style!" Harper said as she walked into the common room
"What?" Amelia said
"I knew you were too much of a bitch to die" Capp laughed
"Wow Capp, your getting old. Just look at those wrinkles" Harper said
"What! Where?!"Capp yelled as he ran towards the bathroom
"Didn't you...Die?" Amelia asked
"And didn't I ask you not to sleep with my husband?" Harper added
"Wow! No need to be such a bitch" Stella said
"You too sunshine" Harper spat
"I'm sorry, I'm lost?" Aria said
"Long story short, every woman that came into the firehouse seemed to have a thing for the famous Kelly Severide. Little did they know that Harper Severide was next door" Harper laughed as she got the ladders out
"I wasn't out for Kelly, I was out for your job" Stella argued
"And yet my daughter got it before you? Now help me get these decorations down" Harper smiled
Aria then took a step back next to Kelly
"Wow she's mean" Aria laughs
"Only when she needs to be" Kelly added
After about an hour and a half the firehouse was fully decked out in decorations
"Wow! It looks great mom" Aria said
"Doesn't it?" Amelia added
"I'm glad you like it" Harper smiled
"So what's next?" Kelly asked
"I'm throwing a party" Harper said
"What?!" Kelly asked
"For the old 51, I left you all when you needed me. So we're going to have a Christmas party to make up for it" Harper added
"I think that's a great idea Mom" Aria said as she hugged Harper
"Great! Well I'll see you all tomorrow" Harper smiled before walking off

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