All x Stressed reader

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Requested by @me

Title: michael scott who?

Note: enjoy.

"Yes, I was aware of that. No, no. He didn't tell me that! What? Well if I had known that I would've cornered him in his office and demanded help! No, that's the thing- he doesn't help! Yes, I am aware that I am speaking to his wife. Thank you. Bye-bye." I bit my lip as I walked into the lair, shoving my phone back into my sweats pocket as I made my way over to the couch, where the boys were all sitting together doing their own things.

I threw myself down in the giant space between Raph and Donnie and leaned back, giving a general mutter of "hi" to everyone as I closed my eyes and breathed out, slowly, trying not to have a breakdown.

"Uh, (y/n)? Are you okay?" My eyes shot open, already bursting with unshed tears that had been waiting to fall all day.

"Oh, great, Mikey. You broke her!" Raph smacked his brother's head as Mikey rubbed his sore skull and looked back at me.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked and I sat up, rubbing my eyes, laughing quietly at the thought that I was getting makeup all over my grey hoodie.

"Oh, nothing. It's just school." I tried to wave it off, but couldn't ignore the confused look the boys gave to me. "What?" Donnie shook his head and closed his laptop, setting it to the side as he moved closer to me.

"Didn't you graduate school a few months ago?" He asked, tilting his head as Leo nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes playfully and gave them a small smile, wiping my nose and sniffing to sound less nasaly when I talked.

"Yeah. Or, I graduated. But, this is different. This is college. This is the school for adults. This is the do-or-fail moment of my life. If I don't succeed the first time in college then what am I good for?" I immediately dropped back down on the couch, leaning my head back to try and keep the tears from flowing even more, but it wasn't working very well.

"What's so important about college? Why don't you just stop doing it?" Groaning a bit, I closed my eyes and burrowed my neck into my hoodie, shoving the collar over my mouth and right under my nose.

"It's important because a lot of jobs require you to have gone to college. Good jobs. If you don't go to college you either settle for less or get lucky by becoming famous or something but that's a one in every million person chance." I began thinking over what had happened earlier on the phone and cringed back at my complaints, not realizing that the man that I was complaining about had a wife- who worked in the advisory office. Great.

"Why don't you take a break then? If you feel like you can't stop then just take a short break and get caught up and then go back?" Why. Didn't. They. Get. It. I was dead-set on not answering them. If I did I was going to blow up and I didn't feel like that because I knew that if I did I was going to make them all feel bad and then I was going to be tired and sad and that would make my day even worst. And my back was killing me.

"(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n)! Why won't you just talk to us?" At that, my eyes snapped open and I leaned forward, frowning prominantly at the prospect of my burning eyes and angrily sad thoughts.

"Because! You don't understand! I'm sorry but you don't! You don't understand the stress of having to tell everyone that college is going great when you're making a forty-five in a core class! And, even worst, when you ask the teacher of that core class for help they do nothing but suggest you drop the class and try harder next semester! But, wait! There's more! Then after that little discussion, you go to talk to the admissions office to take his advice and end up complaining about that very problem to- surprise!- his wife. Now you have to go up to the office and talk to her in person about why you are dropping his class and why you have to take the other teacher next semester- just like the other seventeen peopple that did the same thing in six months! And now you're stressed because college is gonna consider cutting your money because you didn't do it right the first time and you have to explain it to your mom and dad and now their disappointed in you and you're disappointed in yourself and you're waking up with headaches and blacking out during the day in between breakdowns and you can't sleep before two in the morning and you have to rebuy that stupid ninety dollar book because you're failing that stupid algebra class and you don't have any other options but to try harder next time or just give up!"

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