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Legbits fell from the sky.

Legbits poured all over the poor Brawlers.

Legbits here, Legbits there.

Everywhere and everyone saw about a million Legbits.

Colette was trying to grab them but with the power of Legbit they fought back.

She managed to tear off a boot from one and was licking it.

Colette needs serious help.

Alright, back to this hell of a fanfiction.

The sky continued to pour Legbits.

The people were terrified.

And then, they stood up and once.

"PLAYER ONE, GET READY!" They all said on beat at the same time.

Then they started marching towards the center of it all and fused into a giant Legbit.

Edgar passed out.

Colt was bawling his eyes out.

Jacky was in the ground.

Emz was recording.

Brock looked confused. 

And Colette... Colette was still licking the shoe.

Hail the demon king SpikeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin