Chapter 6

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After I hit him he was growing in pain I said "sorry" and helped him up and he said"do you wanna go out with me?" Nami came there and said"she is very innocent so from my side it's a NO!!"I said"You heard what the boss said" he said"o....ok" in a sad tone then Robin said"Let's test the captains strength by a lifting composition also no using haki or you're devil fruit" we agreed on it first Traffy went he was abele to pick up one of Zoro's dumbles easily I thought it was impressing and said"THAT'S SO COOL" Zoro said"I agree I thought no one could pick them so easily" Law said"Thank you" then sat down Kidd picked up the one law did even though there are 2 of'em the largest one Zoro has and the second largest both Traffy and kidd picked up the second one I said"I think that I should not pick even one cause I just remembered I am on my period😥" I literally got it when I went to the bathroom after I turned into a I was not surprised cause my mom always said that when I had a lover and if they were a girl they will suffer through periods and what will happen when they are going through it BUT then kidd said "you are just making excuse cause you can't pick them up with out haki"and that mad my angry and then picked up the largest one with one hand without using haki and said "You don't have fait in me,do you😄💢"everyone expect law and my crew were shocked "Luckily these are Zoro's if they weren't I would have thrown them at you dick head Law and Zoro were proud of me the rest my crew were hella shocked cause I don't curse Kidd was sacred even he didn't show any signs of it but I could tell the rest were in a state of confusion
             ———Cliff Hanger———

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