Stupid cupid shot me on my ass!

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This is my first light & cute poem tell me what do you guys think? I'd love to hear (well read) from you guys! <3

Cupid shot me on my ass

My perfect life went full on crass!

I want to stuff his mouth with grass

coz I'm a girl kickass !

My pheromones are now running wild

I want to punch him but not mild

It feels weird, its irritating

It's so hard, just concentrating!

My senses are going haywire

But there is no one that I admire

That idiot shot me, but made me no pair

I curse you to b'come a hare!

I'm going to confront him

he can't be my happiness' assassin

When he was made to confront

What he said was not for faint of heart

That stupid creature told me -

This valentine he didn't paired only one girl

The one who he wanted as his girl

So now it's me who have to bear him

I'll surely make his shenanigans trim

But apart from all these whacky & tacky deeds

He really is cute & nut

I can deal with his dangerous innocence

coz he's now my love's essence!

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