
16 5 1

Churning passion ; desire 

Burning blazing sapphire 

Sets my soul on fire, 

Your voluptuous derriere. 

Is it the good food or music 

Or your looks - so sleek 

Which gets the red blood pumpin'

Off to the south - it's speedin'

Half moon lower lip 

Is something which I want to keep 

Between my own set of lip. 

Your eyes glitter, glimmer 

Under the candle-light shimmer 

Night is buzz with murmer 

'bout your classy glamor 

II wanna be your Knight in armor. 

But you're a warrior 

Who don't need a savior 

So I'll not be a barrier 

For your career. 

Just give me one chance 

To love you an ounce 

Bring me outta' my lovesick stance! 

Untamed Souls Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt