Bubble of life

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Through this piece of poetry I'm trying to relate the life of a short living bubble with the life of a wild, free, untamed woman. 

I'm the bubble of life 

Floating, flowing, bursting into thousand pieces 

When a hand tries to catch me, poke me or kill me or control me

I flow harder, and go harder in different direction. 

I'm not the one to be controlled or overpowered 

I'll rather burst and die than being ruled. 

I can be neutral or colorful 

Tiny and air full 

I love to float and fly around 

I love to perch on merry - go - round 

I love to follow that lil girly on cycle 

I'll tempt her to follow me and  fall on Michael

Then I'll move near them round and round 

And no one will hear me, 

bcoz I'm a bubble and I've got no sound . 

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