Shoulds and shouldn'ts

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Since forever, I have heard should(s) and shouldn't(s). You should've done this, you shouldn't have done that. You should study, she shouldn't play. Should should should all the bloody should(s). If I could I would eradicate this word from the dictionary and everyone's vocabulary. Whether we like to do something or not, we are just supposed to do it just because everyone is expecting us to do it. So, this is my take on the frustration that has built-up since "should's" started in my life.

You should walk properly

not like a joker .

You shouldn't have played today

you scraped your knee.

You should take part in school choir

It'll improve your singing.

Girls shouldn't play much basketball

after reaching teenage since they'll become "muscly".

She should've studied science

to b'come a doctor.

As doctor is an esteemed profession.

He shouldn't try to become a painter

Since painters are generally poor.

Ronit should buy a car he is from a rich family

He can easily afford it.

Nina shouldn't ride a motorcycle she's a girl

plus bikes are death machines.

You should definitely fall in love it's about time.

You shouldn't have sex b'fore marriage.

Teens should always listen to their parents.

You shouldn't be out of the house after 8pm.

You should always laugh when jokes are told

b'coz that's polite.

(Whether I find said joke funny or not

is none of their concern.)

You shouldn't watch movies

which have a little too much exposure

As that'll corrupt your mind.

(As if I don't have other mediums to corrupt my mind, if it isn't already corrupted enough .)

You should always listen and respect your elders because that's polite.

(Whether they're right or wrong. )

She shouldn't snort in between laughs

that's unladylike.

He shouldn't cry because he's a man.

Widows should always wear white b'coz that's tradition.

Every one should celebrate all the festivals

B'coz that's well... again tradition.

Should should should..... fuck you should.

You've destroyed many lives

and you're continuing to do so...

Ps- In India widows wear white or very light colored clothes, it's tradition although now many people are discarding this tradition /rule.

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