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Walking out of the house for yet another day of work, Krist had no idea how to get rid of his tiredness. He didn't sleep till late last night as he couldn't stop himself from completing a web series.

At night itself he knew that his actions would have an adverse effect on his schedule the next day. Taking slow steps he stood at a fine distance from the door.

Inside the house, Singto quickly checked everything one more time and paced out of the house the fastest he could. Seeing Krist leaning against the wall, almost dozing off, he cleared his throat.

"I spot a lazy person"

"I'm not lazy. I'm just tired."

"Who told you to stay up till late? We reached home on time and I told you to rest"

"I knoww. I'll just manage somehow for today"

Both stood in the lift and Krist again, leaned against the wall. This time the bodyguard let it slide, he didn't feel like adding any comments. Getting out of the lift they reached the last staircase to be crossed to finally get out of the building.

Singto reached down the staircase and looked back up to see Krist still on the third step.

"Krist! This isn't even a long one, why are you taking so much time to come down?!"

"I'm coming..." He mumbled sleepily.

"I swear I'm not letting you stay up till late ever after this"

After reaching down he turned towards the bodyguard and glared at him.

"You won't always be needed to stay here with me Mr. Bodyguard. I can do whatever I want. Now let's go"

Leaving Singto dumbfounded, he walked to the car and sat in the passenger's seat.

"You coming or nay?"

Coming back to his senses Singto looked at Krist and then rushed to sit in the car.


"What do we have for today? Nothing was mentioned in the schedule I was sent?"

"Krist, child sit" Krist impatiently tapped his feet after sitting. The boss gestured Singto to sit next to Krist as well but he declined the offer.

"So um, you don't have an exact schedule for today. I wanted to have a word with you first and then you could go and start a live chat with the fans in the extra practice room"

"Just that? Then why was I called this early?"

"We wanted to do the live keeping the time zones of all the fans in mind."

"Uh Okay. So what did you want to talk about?" The boss sighed.

"As you see, we can't really have any fanmeets and your popularity is increasing so-"

"It is?" Krist said and Singto snickered in the background. Krist couldn't care less about it.

"Uh, it is Krist. So what I'm saying is-"

"Damn it's actually increasing" the boss blinked for a few seconds at Krist to analyse the situation. Krist was holding his phone checking his profile for the increase in followers and number of likes. Singto stood behind him internally laughing his ass off and totally enjoying the situation.

Is Krist high or what today? He looked back at the boss and pitied him. Taping Krist's shoulder lightly, Singto nodded towards the person sitting infront of Krist and the latter's eyes widened.

"Oh, I'm sorry, continue" he lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Well, I'll get straight to the point. We got an offer for you to work in a series, are you interested in doing one?"

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