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"where are we going?"

"Since you have a day off, I'd like to take you somewhere." Singto said and changed the gear of the car. Krist rolled his window up and turned on the air conditioner.

"Is it a visiting place or an eating place?"

"A visiting place."

"Ugh you're no fun."

"But it would be fun."

"Anything, or rather any trip without food is no fun."

"We could get some afterwards?"


"Why are you taking me there anyway?"

"I thought it'd be a change of mood for you?"


"This is what you mean by 'change of mood'?! A graveyard?! Prachaya I'd love to have a change of mood but only if it makes me happier. This is gonna depress me more."

"At least come in. By change of mood, i meant like change of environment. Fresh air?"

"That doesn't make it any different."

"Okay fine, follow me" krist sneered and tailed behind a calm and content Singto.

He stopped infront of grave making Krist bump into his back. Krist rubbed his nose and squinted his eyes at him.

"Why would you stop so abruptly like that?"

"Because we've reached the place."

"We have? Oh this one?" He pointed towards the grave infront of them.


"Is that your girlfriend's?" Krist grinned.
Singto sadly smiled and shook his head. "No it's my mom's"

"Your what-"

"Are you serious?"

"I am"

"I'm so sorr-"

"Don't be. I don't like it when people feel sorry for me. Do you know why I've brought you here?" Krist looked at him with curious eyes. He glanced at the grave from time to time.

"Because i trust you. I trust you that you won't be sad for me, but you'd be sad with me. I haven't told many people about my mom, just because of this. Out of the three people I've told before, one was sorry for me, the second was too, but didn't say it directly, as for the last one, they were sad with me. But they aren't present in my life anymore. We got separated after high school. i think I've known you enough and it's safe to say that I could share this with you, something that is really important to me. It's been a few years now, since, you know"

Singto who wasn't looking at Krist all this time but his mom's grave finally turned to look at him. Krist had all this while been trying to bite back his tears but once he held an eye contact with Singto, one tear slid down his face.

I wish I was there for you then.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I'd never forget this."

"What exactly are you thankful for?" Singto chuckled a bit.

"For you trusting me with this. I'd neither forget this, nor you and your mom."

"Want to sit?" Krist nodded and wiped his tears. He felt like his heart had been ripped. He had never expected Singto to not have his mom in his life. Afterall mother's play an essential role in one's life. He carefully watched Singto clean the area a bit and place his handkerchief on the ground for him to sit. Clear signs of tremendous sadness could be seen on his face and Krist didn't feel a tad bit fond of it.

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