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When Krist opened his eyes he was sitting on a chair in the centre of a dark room with one bulb right above his head providing sufficient light for only him to be seen.

He tried moving in his seat but the ropes tying him down were strong enough to not let him break free. Frustratingly he gave up after a few tries and started thinking of a possible way to escape.

"You think you could escape just like that"

"Who are you?! Why am I here?! What have I done to you?!"

"Calm down Khun Krist Perawat Sangpotirat, you have to stay there on that chair for sometime, at least till you die" the man standing in the dark chuckled. "So you better get yourself comfortable and stop asking so many questions"

"Bastard if you have the guts, then freaking show me your face! Stop hiding!"

"Fine, as you wish"

When the man walked into the light all the colours drained out of Krist's face. He blinked at the person for a few seconds trying to register what or whom he was exactly seeing infront of him.

"You..? The fan's husband...?"

"Oh you recognised me right" the man chuckled.

"Why the hell are you doing this? Is this for your wife? Is she a, what is it? Sasaeng?!"

"For your kind information, she isn't my wife"


"Okay that's enough. Get over with your interrogation."

"What do you mean? Get me out of here? Why the hell am I here?!"

"Because you've been hindering my boyfriend's success!"


"Oh you must be knowing him, Saint Suppasong"

"What?! He's your boyfriend?!"

"Of course, for years now"

"You've got to be kidding me. He confessed to me last year" the man took a few steps back and looked at Krist a bit surprised by the new information.

"W-what..? No that, doesn't matter, whatever he did, he obviously didn't mean it"

"But i think he totally meant it"

"Oh shut up! You are here to die not to jeopardize our relationship"

"Gaurds" two well built men in black walked in and Zee titled his head a bit to the right "take care of him"

He was about to walk out when the big wooden doors slammed open. Both the guards and Zee turned around to see a man standing with his left hand on the door, breathing heavily and looking at them with eagle eyes, blood smeared on his right hand and also, near the lips.

"The cousin..?" Zee uttered.

At this Krist looked up too.



"Since you can't reveal your identity, what should I call you when you are, you know, around people?"

"We could keep a code name for me?" Singto suggested 

"A code name?" Krist chuckled. "What would you like me to call you?"

"Um" Singto averted his eyes to the Tv infront. Krist patiently watched Singto's irises move sitting next to him on the couch. The bodyguard was taking too long and Krist was growing impatient.

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