Chapter 2

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Hello again! Enjoy this next chapter, also still some hot content. :)

"Hello, mask" I mumbled. I enjoyed his grip one more second before taking a step forward. "What have you been up to lately?" he asked will taking my hand and started walking. I told him that I'd love to get out of this hell hole and some other things. However, since I was still a bit confused by my dream I didn't mention it. So I decidet to ask him where were heading. "Oh I just thought  somewhere more privat" he said with a little chuckle. It almost felt like the old times but we where still  trapped in the foundation nonetheless. After a moment I asked if we should'nt try to escape but his answer was that there were already a lot of guards and NTF's everywhere. And like that we walked in silence. It wasn't uncomftable, it just felt right to walk next to him. After a bit it seemed that we had reached our destination.

"You should go first my dear doctor" 035 said. So I headed inside, it seemed to be a storage room of some sort. There were about four shelves in there and some little boxes scatterd around. The ground was a dark grey and the walls almost white, the room looked kinda boring. As soon as we  both were inside Dyo closed the door and walked over too me. "So what do you wan- I was cut of by the mask as he suddenly went in for a kiss. I could taste that bittersweet taste again but my body started to get warmer as my heart quickend it's beat . I only now realised that the both of us were  sitting on the floor, the mask sitting on top of me. He leaned a bit back as if he was asking me if I would be okay  that he was doing this... I put my arms around him and pressed him gently against me, he respondet to this with another kiss. This time it was even more intense. I wanted him. Badly. I changed my position to be leaning a bit over his body and kissed his neck. He pressed himself against me while starting touching me in diffrent kind of places. I thought that I knew what was coming  but I was turned on very hard and wanted him so badly. If always been scared of being so out of control with someone but I knew he would'nt use me or hurt me on purpose. I pressed him even harder against me while not being able to stop myself from moaning as he was touching my privat place. Right after that I kissed and bite his neck to stop myself from being any louder.It had been a bit since we entered this storage room and I guess I attracted some attention because someone opened the door to both of us getting it on. It was a female researcher with long and kinda shiny blond hair, ocean blue eyes and wore a grey shirt with blue jeans. Dyo also saw the researcher and backed off in that moment. 

I was back at my cell about 6 minutes later after being found with 035. There were some people watching over me like always but I felt very uncomftable and quite emberased. I sat down on my bed and rested my back against the cold wall. Soon I closed my eyes and recalled the event that just happened, what would they think of me now? I knew that I was going to have quite the explaining to do. It definitly wouldn't take long until they would come. I would have to tell them the truth, atleast more than I did before and I didn't want that.

About an hour later I was awoken by someone entering my cell, it was the same girl that walked in on me and Dyo. "Hello scp-049, do you agree on having an interview done?" she said with a slight undertone of akwardness. I could feel she was nervous but still a bit excited. I just nodded my head in her direction before changing my position a bit. "Alright thank you and you can call me Allie". "Okay, is this gonna be about me and 035?" I couldn't help but ask her. "Well most of it, yes" she replied rather nervous. I waited for her to start the interview as she sat down on the other bed in front of me. "Okay so, was this a first time or not?" she looked up from the sheet waiting for me to answer. I took a small breath and said "Well, this wasn't our first time doing something like that." I looked away in embarasment. "Okay so since when are you two together?" she asked looking at me like they always would. I only said that we've been together for some time now. "Well any exact number?" I didn't want to answer so I just told here not to question it further. Even if I knew she wasn't exactly trying to get too much information I could feel my anger starting to rise. Why couldn't they just let me be?! Just as I was thinkin to put an end to her existence I started to smell the scent of lavender. Even with this I still wasn't completly calm but Allie deemend it enough to continue. The interview went on and at the end, I was kinda reliefed. Now I wouldn't have to worry about them finding out. As Allie left she waved quickly before disapearing behind the door. It now was 6 p.m., a time I usually wrote in my leather book about the day and other things. Mostly ideas on how to perfect my cure or how to get out of here with Dyo. So I went over to the little table in the room and got out the book, too start writing.

Alright that was it! Hope you enjoyed this new chapter and have a good day/night. :)

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