Chapter 8

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Welcome back it's been a little bit since I updated this book but enjoy your stay and merry christmas too you all!

A few weeks had passed and it was near the end of january, we planned too start travelling to italy when february starts, so I was excited but sad too leave my home behind yet again. I'm pretty sure Jay didn't went to italy before, would he even like it there? I questioned myself whilst watering the plants in my house. I didn't really want too leave but we couldn't stay in any place for too long, the foundation was searching for us and they really wanted us back in their awfull hands. I hope the other ones are still doing good. Hopefully they didn't get found already.

"It's getting late, dear. You should go to bed." he said to me, looking me in the eyes. I was in my study room still trying to figure  out a safe route. "I know but we need to be prepared in case they find us." I said, looking back down on the map I had layed down on my desk. If only I knew where they were searching, I could avoid them and get all of us to italy safely. "You shouldn't stress about it too much, doc. It's gonna be fine." his soothing voice calmed me a bit, I heard him walk over too me. Aghh this is starting to give me a headache, how is it already this late anyway? 035 put his arms around me and whisperd "C'mon dear let's go too sleep, were gonna start travelling tomorrow. If you don't stop overworking yourself you are going to be sick!" Dyo's words came into my mind, he was right. "Let's go dear" he offered me a hand and I took it, squezzing it a bit. He was warm and I almost fell asleep while walking upstairs.

We reached italy a few day after february started, it was still very could and Josie had curled up in Jay's arms. We had too find shelter but there weren't any houses or cottages in sight. It was starting to get dark already and it got even colder. Where were humans when you really need them?! We had to sleep inthe grass maybe sounds comfortable but is very cold. I felt like I was frezzing!

Italy still had snow on some parts of it's land but we hadn't seen any snow here untill 3 days after our arrival. We found a nice house and well the owners were strongly infected so let's just say I took care of them. Ofcourse I didn't bring them back, we don't want the attention of the foundation. Nothing too interesting happened, I was just happy spending time with my brother again. And me and Dyo got quite some fun too, some more and some less innocent fun. 

I was on one of the balconys that were on this house. It was quite relaxing just looking around the landscape. I even spotted a deer in the meadows. They were quite majestic if a little shy. "Just like you dear." I heard 035 say behind me, I thought he was writing a play. "Just ran out of ideas" he was reading my mind. "I told you not too read my mind masky! " anger layed in my tone, I told him so many times not too do that! He chuckled and I tilted my head around too see him. His face was just a few centimeters away from mine. I could feel my body heat up. "How do you do this?" I asked him. "Do what?" his response came. "That I'm never able to stay mad at you" I looked him into his black eyes, it's like he always knows what to do. "It's simple really." he paused a second before coming a bit closer and wrapping his arms around waist. "It's because you love me dear and I love you." he kissed me and I closed my eyes. It felt good, he bit my lip before slipping his tongue into my mouth. I felt like I was about melt, my body was so warm and then his tongue was so cold. A slight shiver ran down my spine as he explored my mouth. He picked me up like I had no wheight and carried me into our bedroom. This was going too be a hot night I thought before I was layed down on the bed.

The next morning I woke up too a bittersweet taste on my lips. I purred as Dyo was kissing me and looked around the room. It was bright now and I saw the sun rising outside. He started too plant kissed from my mouth down my neck too my privat place. 035 seemed determined too taste me before getting on with the day. How did he always leave me wanting more when I'm not even that interested in jerking off with him? I wrote in my leather book and went over to the balcony of the last night and looked at the landscape. It was still winter yet there was already so much life outside and Josie, Wait what? She was in the grass playing with something but what? I went downstairs and outside too the grey cat and inspected what she between her paws. A piece of clothe, it was black with a white S on there and something other writen on it. I could make out a M and T, is that what I thing it is? I picked up Josie and ran inside either I was being paranoid or that piece of clothe was part of a MTF guard's uniform. We had too leave now before it was too late. "Jay, Dyo both of you come here now!" I shouted. Both came quickly down Dyo was definitly worried why I was scared and Jay seemed a bit scared too. "What's wrong dear?" Dyo asked, I quickly explained what I have found and that I'm pretty sure it's a part of the MTF uniform. "If that's so then we need to go now" my brother said looking around panic in his eyes. I nodded and quickly got my stuff, both of them fid the same and then we headed off.

That's it for now hope you enjoyed reading and happy holidays!

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