Chapter 6

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Welcome back, I just gotta say one thing. So I might not be able to write a chapter next week so have this one already! I will try to update my headcanons. :)

We started travelling a bit after everyone was awake, Josie didn't want to leave at first but came with us. Right now we were in Polland if I remember correctly. Today wasn't snowing but still very cold. My brother Jay had been complaining about the cold already and Josie too. It was still a bit dark but we could see a town near by. I didn't want to go there, I could already sense the pestilence in that town. It was irritading me and besides that the foundation was already searching for us anyway, so being near a lot of people wouldn't be a great idea.

About a week later we were in germany and about halfway through too. The last time I was here ended in a bit of a bloody memory. I was a bit nervous being here again but Dyo seemed to like it a bit. "How about we stay here a bit?" his voice was more quiet than usual but he turned his head and looked at me then at Jay. "Sure, I don't why not. We can stay here a bit and still make it too france in time. What do you think Jay?" I said tillting may head to my brother. "I'd love to stay somewhere warm longer than a night, so sure." his respond came immediatly. So we began a  search for a house, that would be good.

We had found one near a river that was still looking very good but abandoned, it was made of stone and a bit of wood. It looked like it had been colored a yellow but most of the paint was gone. All of us settled in quite quickly and it was very comfortable inside, if a little cramped. There was also a second floor with 2 bedrooms another bathroom and a study room. The first floor had a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and a storage room I think. Josie went up to the study room and found herself a fairly hidden sleeping spot on a bookshelf. I went into the kitchen first, even if I don't need to eat I can get hungry, so I looked around in the room and ended up finding nothing. I hadn't had high hopes of finding anything edible anyway.

The first night wasn't too nice, it started raining and I discoverd a hole in the bedroom I was trying to sleep in. So I had to go into the other room and ask my brother if it was fine for me too sleep here too. He happily agreed and used me as a godamm teddybear! I fixed the hole in the morning imediatly and asked Dyo if he could get something to  eat from a near by town or something. I'm pretty sure my brother noticed that I was being very grumpy and looked a bit sorry. However the mask got something very tasty, I don't remember what they were called but they were deliciouse!

This night I was able to sleep in my claimed bedroom and Dyo came too rest with me too. He snuggled up with me and I was sleeping very early this night, feeling loved and wanted.

I was in a village again with my lover and as I looked around I rememberd this place once again. Today was the day we would see Juleka the first time. As I counted down in my head there was  shouting and a knight ran up to me and asked me to help. I nodded while being dragged to the castle. The king quickly told me what happened. His daughter was sick and it had gotten worse by the hour, so he had send out on of his knights to search for a doctor. That doctor was me. He walked me to her room and I heard crying. I still remembered that scene, her mother on the daughters bed crying over her dying child. Now that child would survive and acompany me and Dyo for years until eventually heading back home for a visit, to never be seen again. I still sometimes miss her. She was the second person I met that accepted me the way I was. That I was able to touch without taking their life. The second person I could always trust, that I could always talk too and now she was gone. That child I saved meaned a lot to me and her name was Juleka. She used to have long thicc brown hair and forest green eyes. A smile so very bright and cheerfull. I didn't know that I would lose her and find her again. I didn't know, back then I would just hope. Now the future holds this hope in their hands, if I make the right decisions I can see her again with my friends and meet so many interesting people. If only I don't mess things up. 

That's it for now have great day/night and thanks for reading this story. It isn't the end tho! :)

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