a witch is made, not born

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#trigger warnings #character death#cursing #magic/spiritual bs

" I don't want to die.." She cried to herself in the dark, the only lighting coming from the moonbeams through the cells barred window.
Accused of witchcraft,  Misty sat alone waiting for her execution the following morning. She wasn't a witch,  but she had caught a deitys attention with her mournful cries.
He had watched her the day she was shackled and imprisoned,  then inevitably tormented into a confession that held no truth. 'Humans...fearing the unknown without knowing much at all.. ' they thought pitifully.
They watched on as the girls cries of anguish turned into screams of anger.
" You'll pay for this! Blood will be paid in blood for what you've done to me!" Idle and empty threats she knew meant nothing.  She had been abandoned by everyone she'd known the day she received her judgment.  Though in a somewhat impressive act of opposition,  she chose to cater to the fears of the guards that stood in the halls. The deity chuckled, seeing as though she was inevitably doomed, Misty was determined to burn herself into their minds as she would at the stake. Their heart sank as they watched on though, for the guards chose to fight fear with violence as mortals normally did.
Three had stormed into her chamber,  commanding her silence.
She spat at the one in lead, resulting in her being smacked across the floor. She didn't fall though, stumbling back a few feet only to glare at him. " by your own hand and choices,  you'll fall victim to the crown as well."
" restrain her, keep the bitch silent " He ordered the other two who pinned and shackled her to the wall. " You don't understand who you're-" there wasn't much to be said after they had shoved a cloth in her mouth, tying it in place. They had beaten her before stepping away,  calling her an assortment of names pertaining to her crimes.
Once she was left alone to cry once again, she hung her head to pray. Pleading with whatever force that could save her from death. Receiving no answer to her knowledge,  she faded into a dreamless and exhausted sleep.
When she was woken up the next day, she was only given a glass of water before they'd lead her out to the post. " Use it to save yourself since you're so powerful. " the guard jeered,  going ignored. Once outside, feeling the walkway with her feet , Misty looked at the post, both resigned and mournful before she was bound to it. As they tied her in place,  she listened to the announcer read her crimes to a gathering of people who had come to see her die.
She was sickened by what they saw.  People were smiling,  happy to see 'the witch's 'death . Those who weren't smiling were cursing her name and throwing things as if to add to the fire. She watched her siblings weep only to be silenced by their parents who not only justified her fate to them, but helped prepare the stands. As angry as she should've been,  she felt remorseful.  Not for herself, her actions, or even the children below who had to witness this event.  She now saw what many before her had, the executed 'witches ' she had watched burn from where the people before her sat. Watching without a second thought to their innocence or pain, pain she wasn't experiencing yet. Once the fire was started she screamed through the gag as her legs became ingulfed in flames. Though she screamed in agony, the only thing she could hear were the cheers from the people she had grown up with. They were applauding and chanting to burn her faster and to add more to the fire. When her lungs finally ran out of air, she couldn't find a way to breathe.  The rising smoke clouding over, burning her eyes and throat.  Unable to breathe,  their head began to swim and the world around was starting to fade away. She couldn't even feel the flames by the time she had come to pass.
" poor girl. " tsked a voice, slowly waking her. " it's a wonder how you pitied others during your special day. "
She coughed,attempting to open her eyes but finding it too bright to do so. " what if they were innocent too..?" Thinking back to her final thoughts.
" they were, but are you?" The voice crooned, almost mocking her in a sense.
" I hadn't done anything! They were going to...they were going to kill me if I didn't admit to it."
" And yet they did anyway.  As for your innocence though, did you not pray to me that I should save you?"
" you didn't though. I burned, I died. I know I did. I remember everything.  The smell, the sound, the-"
" I did save you though. You're here and unharmed,  aren't you?"
She reached down to feel her legs. They were still smooth compared to charred flesh that should've been there.

Jesus christ I hate this one, but I'm going to finish it. One day. Probably.

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