Can I ask who?

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trigger warnings # ventfic # the idiot triplets # flashback?

Loche looked at Otetz, studying the similar features he shared with him. Blonde hair, slim build, nothing much else. Otetz was currently on the phone, pacing back and forth speaking harshly in a language he couldn't recognize, only stopping to pull the phone away to sigh on occasion.
He kicked his feet , fiddling with the dirt under his nails while he continued to listen from the kitchen table.  This started because of a simple question about who their parents were. Since then, the call was made and their brother grew angrier by the minute. He thought maybe he should've asked Rodzina since he wouldn't have been so outwardly frustrated, but it was a simple question wasn't it?
He looked up once the phone was placed back on the hook, shrinking down in his seat when the other pulled the chair across from him to sit down. " Loche." He called, beckoning for his attention, he looked up, meeting it with a nod. " Never ask us that again. "  He stared at him, unsure how to feel about the answer. More curious than anything he had to ask.  " But why?" " Because they're dead and it doesn't matter. Rod and I are all you need. " Otetz lit a cigarette a moment later when silence took over the room. After a few moments of thought, Loche tried a different approach. " Who was on the phone then?" " A terrible person who knows everything. " " Do they really know everything?" He asked, leaning in over the table excitedly. Otetz rolled his eyes, putting out his cigarette. " I don't think so. " " But you said they did. " " Listen, if he knew everything, he wouldn't be where he is. " " Well where is he?" Dropping back into his seat, playing with the hem of his shirt. " Living hell. Where'd you get all these questions today, kiddo?" He shrugged, letting go of the fabric. " I just want to know why we're weird. " "Weird?" The elder echoed back, sitting up in their seat. He crossed his arms, looking to the ceiling to think. " I wouldn't say we're weird ... we're just...." He interrupted him, standing up to get a glass of water.  " We're weird, Otes. Everyone else at school has parents or knows them. They have friends that don't disappear and grown-ups smile more than you do. I know life is hard so you can't smile but why is our lifes like this?"
" Lives. " He corrected, taking the opportunity to change the subject. " You mean the plural version of a word, referencing multiple people. " Loche turned to him, irritated by the needless lecture and decided to continue with his original statement. " You're weird. "

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