Gotta roll on

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trigger warning# reference to sexual violence#murder#mutiltaion#moral corruption#victim blaming

He stared down at the body beneath him, indulging in the hollow stare of the dead. Eyes still holding hints of tears from hours before.
He hadn't intended to kill her in the midst of the act, but she had forced his hand by somehow freeing herself. She put up a decent fight for something so frail.
Pulling himself away since the warmth had long since faded, ruining his moment of intimacy.
Stretching himself out and touching his neck where she had torn into him with her nails. "Feisty. Couldn't even tell I was your first." He teased, getting up to dress himself. She didn't respond of course, though he gave her time. Mentally timing their one way conversation in his head before responding." Don't give me that. " He grabbed a scoop from the dresser, coming back to the bedside. Caressing her cheek almost lovingly." You know, you have beautiful eyes. So vibrant..." Clutching her jaw before digging the utensil underneath the eyelid, trying not to scratch or damage the organ" So daunting.." digging at it until the veins gave way and it fell from the socket." Absolutely gorgeous." Repeating the ritual one last time before taking a break in the needless torment to redress them. He was curious as to how she ended up in such a situation. Hadn't her parents taught her any better? Sure, she was a rebellious teenager. Probably 19 at most, but even then. He didn't allow himself to think much on it, reminding himself how ethics and empathy were too human. The gods had no moral compass or care for human life, why should he? Taking the eyes to freezer, setting them amongst the others. Moving to the other room, turning on the radio before sitting back in his chair. Deciding to let his mind wonder back to the girl in the other room while he looked through her purse. She was a little older than he figured, looking at her IDs, somewhat impressed with how she held herself. Disappointed when he found the pepperspray at the bottom of her purse. " See this?" tossing the can into the bedroom of the abandoned apartment, pushing himself up from the chair " Pocket, clip, lanyard, or something. Easy access so you're not easy access, get it? Fucking christ, it's hard to feel bad when you're just so stup-..." He cut himself off the second he realized he wasn't acting anymore, genuinely getting mad at a corpse for something as trivial as their own death. " Wow...turned into my father for a second... sorry, babe. " Apologizing to it, laughing at himself, and resettling down in his seat. Continuing to dig through the purse, finding nothing more that interested him. Yawning and mentally cursing himself for needing sleep. He was above human necessity in his mind, though his body had other ideas. Sliding back just a little further, drifting in and out of sleep. He finally gave in. He'd bury her tomorrow. After all, time was on his side. At the rate he was going, he'd be immortal soon enough

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