[D:BH] Markus x Self harm!Reader// Hold On Just A Litte While Longer//

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Mentions of selfharm

"You are no longer our Daughter!"

Their words echoed through your head.

"You've always been useless! And now you're even stupid enough to support those plastic bastards!"

Run, run, run. You had to keep running. Your body felt weak and your legs were hurting but you couldn't stop.

"Leave! Don't you EVER come back! Next time you won't get away with just bruises!"

You were currently running through an old harbor trying to leave everything behind. As you kept running you started losing all your strengh, as you felt your body go limp and you collapsed onto the concrete floor. The impact of the fall send a sharp pain through your whole body. You put your hands on the ground as you tried to push your weak body up but without success. You pulled yourself behind some containers so you'd feel safer than out in the open. You slowly started to take in your surroundings. You could see a lot of containers and a huge ship with the word 'Jericho' written on it.

You sat yourself in a corner and pulled your knees to your chest making yourself as small as possible. Tears began to form in your eyes as you quietly started to sob. You couldn't take it anymore, your whole body was sore, you were tired and haven't eaten in days. Your parents never really gave a shit about you. They've been abusing you for years and it got worse when you started to fight for Android rights. A lot of people hated you for doing so. But it was right wasn't it? They were living beings who just wanted to be free. People on the streets would insult you or even spit at you, but you wouldn't care.

Your shaky hands wiped the tears from your face and you reached for the tiny object that was hidden inside the inner pocket of your grey old jacket. You took hold of the sharp object and held it between two of your fingers as you looked at the way it reflacted the moonlight. Slowly you brought the razorblade to your left arm and drew a thin line on your soft skin. Blood started to seep through the little cut as you already went in for the next one. One cut after another followed, one deeper than the other. Streaks of blood were running down your arm and onto the cold floor. You liked the pain and how it distracted you from the cruel world. It was like floating in your own bubble of peace and no one could get to you.

Suddenly you heard footsteps approaching you as you jolted up and the blade slipped from your hands. Two people appeared infront of you. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!", the blond one asked sounding more afraid than threatening. The other one took a hold of your shirt and harshly pressed you to the wall. Afraid of what he might do to you, you flinched and closed your eyes.

When the man saw your tears stained face his grip softened. He slowly looked down at you, until he saw the dark lines covering your arm. "Oh my-... christ.. what happened to you?" He asked worry could be heard in his voice. Your face flushed a shade of red as you looked away. "Nothing... please just leave me alone. I won't harm anyone I just wanna be alone. Please?" He looked at you in disbelief. "What are you talking about? You can't be serious! You're gonna come with us." "But Markus, she's a human. Are you sur-", the blonde one couldn't finish his sentence as he got interrupted by markus. "Look at her Simon, we can't leave her out here like this. She's gonna most likely bleed out or freeze to death!" Your eyes widened as realization hit you. "You are Markus! You are deviants! I-... Uhm.. it's nice to meet the leader of you guys. I'm not your enemy or a threat I swear." Simons gaze softened a bit before he turned away. "Maybe you're right Markus. But what if the others don't see it?" "They will have to accept it."

You felt a wave of dizziness wash over you as you slowly lost balance. Before you could fall you grabbed Markus' shirt and he held you up by your waist. "Hey hey hey, are you okay?" He bend down to your level "look at me okay? Don't lose consciousness please.." You were fighting to keep your eyes open as you nodded faintly. He picked you up bridal style and started walking- more like running back to Jericho. "Just concentrate on my voice okay? You're gonna be okay." He kept talking about random things, asking you random questions to keep you awake.

Once you were back in Jericho he placed you on one of the beds. He carefully moved a piece of (h/c) hair out of your face and started cleaning your arm. He carefully bandaged you up as if you could break any second. Still asking you questions through out the process. "I didn't get your name." "It's (y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).", you said with a weak and shaky voice. In the better light you were in now he noticed all the bruises covering your arms and legs. He got a feeling that he hated. It was like a mix of worry and anger along with something he haven't felt before. He did feel something like that for carl but different and not as strong. He couldn't understand what he was feeling. Kinda like the need to protect you from anyone and anything

"What happened to you?", he asked quietly. You gave him a confused look before you realized what he meant. Your face saddened at his question as you began to talk, your voice all shaky, "My mom... and- and dad they didn't like me very much... actually no one likes me very much." You looked away in shame as if he would get up and leave you any second. But he didn't. "I can't believe this. How could anyone not like an angel like you?" "Well I fight for androids for a start... Aparrently humans aren't really happy about it.", you laughed in a sad way. "Why would you fight for us? Why would you think differently?" Confusion was laid in his voice. "I think everyone should have the right to... to be free you know. No one deserves to be treated like a slave really. And I will always fight for that reason. I know how it feels to be used, locked up, abused and treated like a piece of shit and i just can't see humans do that to you guys.." your voice got quieter in the end as you were drifting off into thoughts.

Markus gave you faint smile as you suddenly started to sob again. Tears welling in your eyes and soon dripping down your red puffy cheeks.
Markus brought his hand up to your cheek and wiped your tears off with his thumb before he carefully pulled you in for hug. You grasped his shirt burying your face in his chest sobbing uncontrollably. He softly rubbed your back and gave you a kiss on the head. "Let it all out. Hold on just a litte while longer. Everything will be alright." You continued to cry holding onto markus as if holding onto life while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

After a while you managed to calm down as a wave of tiredness washed over you and you drifted off to sleep in Markus arms. "I'm gonna protect you from all harm, angel." Markus smiled softly.

My first oneshot i hope you guys enjoyed it :3

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