[NARUTO] Rock Lee x Abused!Reader// Bruises//

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Mentions of abuse

You've always been one of the quiet girls. It seemed as if no one would even notice you but you were absolutely fine with that. You just finished training and were currently walking through the forest. It was calm and quiet which you really enjoyed.

Until a certain boy in a green jumpsuit and bowl haircut appeared next to you. "Hi (y/n)-chan! How are you?" You gave him a soft smile, "Oh, hey Lee. I'm fine how about you? I just finished training a short while ago." "Wow (y/n)-chan you are so youthful! I'm heading to the training grounds to meet my teammates!", he gave you his typical grin and thumbs up. You giggled at his behavior, others would find him all weird and stuff but you always found the way he acted was cute. The way he would always give a 100% motivated you a lot. You weren't a Shinobi but yet started training. The two of you talked about random stuff for a while before the boy headed off to the training grounds.

It got quiet late already and you felt fear build up in your body as you thought about your parents. 'Oh no they must be so mad i gotta hurry' was all you thought before you started running home.

As you arrived at home you quietly opened the door and stepped inside. You removed your shoes and made your way towards the living room. "Mom, Dad I'm home." "Where have you been?" Spoke your dad in a threatening way that send shivers down your back. He slowly got up from his seat on the couch and made his way towards you. "Do you know how fucking late it is?" As he got to a hold infront of you she harshly grabbed your hair. You winced in pain and pressed your eyes shut knowing too well what was waiting for you. A hard slap met your cheek before you hardly fell hitting your head on the wall. Your mom stood by the kitchen door watching the whole thing in amusement. "You useless brat!" The man yelled before hitting you once again. "You are so stupid!" Punch "Ugly bitch!" Kick "Just look at you worthless piece of trash!" This time his leg met your stomach and caused you to fully collapse onto the floor. Tears started to slowly drip down your red cheeks. Your father left you laying in the corner as he walked back to his place on the couch followed by your laughing mom.

You slowly got up every movement sending pain throughout your body. You weakly limped to your room, wincing with every move. You looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed quiet a lot of bruises forming already. You let yourself fall onto your bed and quietly sobbed into your pillow until a wave of exhaustion washed over you and you fell into a deep sleep.

The next day you were walking through the forest again heading for your favorite place for training. Your body was still hurting quiet a lot but you didn't care at all. All you wanted was to become stronger so you could eventually escape those people called your parents. You were training for hours every inch of your body screaming for a break but you wouldn't care. 'I have to do this!' You thought before giving the tree another kick followed by a combo of punches. Your skills definetely weren't perfect yet but you gave all you had.

What you didn't notice was a certain someone watching you from the bushed for quiet a while. He was thinking wether he should stop you or not. At first he was amazed by how determined you were but as time passed he started to grow more and more worried. He slowly made his way towards you and just as he was about to say something you gave the tree a weak punch and fell forwards. He caught you midfall as you slowly lost consciousness and collapsed onto him.

Lee picked you bridal style and carried you to the log of a tree that fell onto the ground. He carefully sat down with you putting your head on his lap. His hand tightly grabbed yours as if you would fate away if he let go. Tears pricked in his eyes as he looked at you. It didn't take long for his eyes to find all the bruises covering your arms and legs. Anger started to grow through his body. How couldn't he notice? How couldn't he notice the girl he loved for so long getting hurt like this?

Slowly your eyes fluttered open and you blushed at the sight infront of you. Lee was still holding your hand tightly and looked into your eyes. His gaze held worry and anger though you didn't know which was more present. "L-lee-" "Why?! (Y/n) please tell me why?!" He shouted in disbelief. "I'm sorry Lee I-... I just couldn't.." A soft sob escaped your lips as you teared up. "Why would you push yourself this hard? And who did this to you?!" The normally so happy and childish Lee seemed so serious it scared you in someway.

"You wouldn't get it!", you cried, "I'm a useless piece of shit and worth nothing! Why would anyone love me the way I am now?! Maybe if I was stronger they...", your voice faded away as you spoke and you trailed of. "(Y/n) don't you ever.. EVER say something like that! You hear me?! You are gorgious and beautiful and so so youthfull! You are one of the strongest girls I've ever seen and that's why... that's why I love you (y/n)-chan! I have for many years!" Your eyes widened at his sudden confession as you blushed harder. "L-lee... I.. I didn't know... uhm..." "It's fine if you can't share those feelings but I will keep fighting for you! Always!", his Hand formed to a fist which he held up on his chest. "No Lee.. I.. I love you too!" you said shyly. Stars appeared in his eyes followed by probably the biggest grin you have ever seen. "You love me? This is amazing!", he shouted. There he was your good old Lee. You smiled softly before you pulled him in for a kiss.

It was a sweet and innocent kiss. Even though it was short it send so many feelings through your body. It was the first time in years that you felt true happiness.

Part 2?

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