[SPN] Dean Winchester x Reader //I'm scared//

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It was a really calm and quiet day. You were currently alone in the bunker. The boys have been gone for a few days, leaving you by yourself in the huge building. They left in a hurry, saying something about some vampires. You wanted to join them, but they insisted on you staying home and said they'd be back in a few days.

You were currently sitting on your bed in your room, with your nose in a book. Your lips formed into a soft smile as you enjoyed the silence. Turning to the next page your eyes wandered over the words written in it. It was as if you were in a trance, concentrating on the story you were reading. 

Suddenly you jolted up a mad expression on your face. "He can't be serious!", you cry out furiously, "Just kiss her already, damn it!" You threw the book on the floor and dropped yourself on the soft bed, arms and legs spread out freely on the soft covers. A sigh left your lips as you closed your eyes. Your body relaxed and you stayed there for a moment. 

"I wonder when the boys will be back...", you mumbled to yourself, eyes still closed, "It's so boring here." 

You sighed once more before you slowly opened your eyes, just to find yourself in complete darkness. Frightened you jumped up and your eyes widened. "Oh no- no no no no! What happened?!" You looked arround the room panic-stricken. Since you were a child you were afraid of the dark. You don't exactly know when it started. 

With shaky knees you stood in your room surrounded by a deep black, not even able to see the shape of your own hands. It was getting harder to breath, as you felt a knot forming in your stomach. Your whole body was shaking uncontrollably. You dropped to your knees as you slowly crawled to the closest corner. Your tensed body curled up into a ball and you felt as if your heart would jump out of your chest. "Dean...", you whispered. You were aware that he couldn't hear you but you needed him. Tears were running down your face as your grip arround your legs tightened, making yourself as small as you possibly could. 

Suddenly you heard someone entering the bunker, followed by the faint sound of footsteps. "(N/Y)!! (Y/N)?! Where are you??" You could hear Dean call your name but his voice seemed so far away. You wanted to say something but you felt your chest tighten as you tried. 

You flinched when you felt hands lay on your arms. Pressing yourself into the corner you cried even harder. With each minute passing breathing became harder and harder. The person crouching in front of you softly touched your hand. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm here now. It's okay now, you're okay." You could make out by the voice that it was Dean. Hesitantly you opened your eyes but your vision was too blurry to see anything, especially in the darkness. Dean carefully wrapped his arms arround you as he pulled you into his chest. "Just breath with me okay? Breath with me... can you do it?", his voice was soft and calm as he lightly stroke his thumb over the back of your hand. You slightly nodded. "You're safe okay? The light will be on in no time. Sam is working on it." He pulled you even closer as you began to calm down. "Please-", you whispered weakly, "don't go away." You grasped his shirt tightly. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise." He whiped the tears from your eyes but they just kept flowing. "I'm scared", you mumbled barely audible. "You don't have to be scared as long as I'm arround. As long as I'm alive I promise you will be safe." You relaxed a bit more at his words. 

In that moment you felt a pair of soft lips on yours. Your eyes widened as your cheeks turned a bright shade of red. You returned the kiss as suddenly the lights turned back on and a smirking Sam stood in the door. "Finally!", he laughed amused before he turned arround and left the two of you alone. You blushed even harder while Dean just started laughing at his brothers action. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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