[SPN] Sam Winchester x Reader //Protect you//

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Tears ran down your face as you jolted up in bed. You ran your fingers through your hair, moving it out of your sweaty face. "Another nightmare", you sighed. You stayed in that position for a while, panting and shaking. You took a deep breath before you slowly laid back down, closing your eyes, trying to get the sleep your body needed so badly. You laid there for what felt like hours but sleep didn't seem to come. After several changes of position you eventually gave up.

The feeling of being watched didn't wanna leave you as you pulled your blanket up to your nose. You stayed like this for a couple of minutes before the fear took over you and you finally got up. It felt like whatever was chasing you in your dream was still there with you. The feeling of the ice cold floor against your feet sent shivers down your spine.

You crossed your arms infront of your chest hardly as you walked out of the room as fast as you possibly could. But as soon as you were in the long and dark hallway the fear got bigger. Your knees felt weak and a sick feeling grew in your stomach. You halfway ran towards Sam's bedroom, coming to a hold infront of his door. Slowly your shaky hand reached for the doorknob.

Thinking wether you should open the door or not you stayed there for a minute. 'What am I even doing here. He's gonna think I'm stupid, being afraid of a dumb nightmare even tho we are the ones who hunt "nightmares". This is hilarious' You thought to yourself. Just then the feeling of someone or something watching you came back. Without thinking you opened the door and closed it behind yourself.

Slowly you took a step towards Sam's sleeping figure. His face halfway burried in his pillow, one hand spread across the bed. "S-Sam?", you asked quietly. Since he didn't react at all you slightly touched his shoulder. "Sammy, wake up please.", you begged as tears formed in your eyes. You felt another shiver going down your spine as you frantically looked arround the room. He moved a bit, slightly sighing in his sleep.

You were about to turn arround and leave when he slowly opened his eyes and gave you a confused look, "(y/n), what's wrong? Did something happen?" You quickly turned arround. You blushed slightly realizing how stupid you must look, waking him up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. "I had a nightmare and... I-.. uhm... I couldn't sleep anymore, Sammy." He sat up a bit and gave you a soft smile. "Are you scared?" His question caused your face to flush a deeper red. "To be honest, yes I am.", you fiddled with the end of your oversized shirt. "I know I shouldn't have woken you up over something so stupi-" "It's not stupid at all, (y/n) You should be aware that you can come to me no matter what. I will always be here to comfort you." You smiled softly at his kind words.

"So what are we gonna do? Want me to stay up with you?", he asked. You thought for a few second before you replied, "Actually, could I sleep with you?", your cheeks burned and flushed a deep color of red again, when you realized what you just said to him, "Not like that of course! I just mean so I wouldn't be alone! It's not like I- I...", you waved your hands arround frantically as Sam started to laugh at your nervous behavior.

'So cute' he thought which caused him to slightly blush as well. "Of course you can." He moved over and patted the space beside him. You climbed into bed with him and laid down, making sure to leave him enough space. He laid on his back, one hand under his pillow the other on his tummy and closed his eyes.

You still felt as if someone was watching you, what caused you to start shaking again. Pulling the blanket up, you pressed your eyes shut. Your whole body tensed up and tears threatened to fall from your eyes. Hoping that Sam wouldn't notice you tried not to show your fear.

But no one could fool Sam Winchester, ever! Besides you were already too obvious, he noticed your shaking right away and you felt strong arms wrap arround you from behind. It startled you at first but then you laid back into him. He turned you arround as if you were as light as a feather, so you would be facing him. He slowly brought his hand up to your face, wiping the tears off your soft cheeks. He pulled you into a tight embrace and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You burried your face into his chest and sighed softly.

"You are safe with me", he mumbled quietly, "You know, I will protect you forever and always. So don't be afraid." You gave him a small nod. "Thank you, Sammy.", you whispered as you closed your eyes. Sam made sure to stay awake until you were asleep. Which didn't take long thinking about how tired you were. He continued to hold you tight throughout the whole night. The man you loved for years carefully played with your hair until he drifted off to sleep himself.

You haven't slept this well for years. No nightmares threatened to show up for the whole night.

Part 2?

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