Prologue Part 2: Unexplained Causes of Death

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5 hours before events of prologue...

'Dad? Sorry, but could you repeat what you said last night?' I asked my dad.

Startled, my dad whipped his head around to look at me.

'How'd you get in here? You can't get in here unless...' He grinned.

'You guessed my passcode for the fourteenth time, didn't you?'

I shuffled around, excited. 'Mmmm, maybe. Guess I just keep on stumbling across your post-it notes everywhere, do I?' I said, bearing a mischievious grin on my face.

Groaning, my dad just continued packing for his trip.

Curious, I stepped closer to his bags.

Inside, there seemed to be tons of wires, machinery, and random junk I didn't recognize.

I reached out to take a shiny ring, but my dad just snatched it out of my hand.

I whined, saying, 'But dad, its so shiny!'

He just chuckled, wagging his finger as he finished putting the ring into his pocket.

'Kiddo, that ring is what I've been working on for the past decade. My very own invention. Or, at least, a part of it. I don't wanna risk any chances of you losing it, alright?' He said.

Frowning, I asked, 'Wait...that's your invention? Another random, shiny ring that I could buy for with a tenth of my pocket money?'

'No, no, no, kiddo, this ring is much more special than your 2-buck ring. Even if most of it doesn't work right now, I'm still pretty anxious about losing it. Got it?' He said, winking.

I smiled and nodded, hoping he'd let me mess around with it later that day.

'Alright, Dad. Got it.'

I left the room, letting my train of thought and legs move on to another place.

A few moments later...

'Well, I have to go now, honey. See you later!' said my dad as he opened the front door.

'Bye, honey! See you!' said my mom, smiling.

'Goodbye to you too, kiddo!' he shouted to me, turning on his car.

'Bai, Dad!' I shouted back.

He drove off, waving goodbye.

After the events of the prologue...

'I wonder what's taking him so long to arrive...'

The mom paced around the kitchen, worrying about her husband.

'Mom, where's Dad?' asked the child.

'I don't know, but I'm sure he's fine,' replied the mom.

'Why are you pacing around our kitchen, then?' questioned the child.

'...____, why don't we go to sleep. Dad's probably stuck at work right now, and- '

Suddenly, they heard the screech of car wheels nearby.

They rushed to the door, hoping, hoping for a sign of their missing family member.

Only to find nothing, dissolving their last hopes.

Somewhere else, the last trace of a certain scientist sparkled away on a screen.

a/n: whew, that was dramatic, wasnt it?
anyway, i do hope you liked it.  spent all of last night writing down the plot for this book. also, scroll down a bit more, and you'll find the old chapter. its still cringey but eh

thanks for reading!

A/N: This is the old version of the story, where my story-writing skills weren't fully developed yet. This part isn't canon anymore (obviously), so this is just some extra bits and pieces.

5 days before my 7th birthday, my parents are invited to see a science experiment. Nothing much, just exploding fun. 

One day, as I played video games in my room, the doorbell rang. I went out of my room and looked.

Behind the door stood a man, wearing a lab coat and a mask. He had a backpack on his shoulder, with a laptop and papers sticking out of it. I didn't trust him.

He spoke to my parents, but since I was like, 10 meters away I couldn't hear them. From the looks on their faces, my parents were pretty interested in what the visitor was saying. After he went away, my parents went to me.

"Hey, Coco, we're gonna go on a holiday," Dad said. "Uh, where?" I said. "To a big science experiment. You like science, right?" He said. "Yeah! I do! What's gonna be in it? The science experiment?" I added. "We're not allowed to say, but it'll be fun!" Mom said excitedly.

"Do I get to go?" I said hopefully.

"Sadly, no, but we're allowed to take pictures! After we go home, we'll show them to you! Would you like that?" Mom said, with a smile. "Ok!" I said, happily. They got ready and left, saying goodbye to me.

I didn't know that this would be the last time I'd see them alive. 

Later, I would try to remember as many details as I could.

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