Chapter 1: A Few Years Later...

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insert revised version here

Hello? Is this thing on? Wow, I sound like an old grandma. Anyway, assuming this is on, hello.

This is an account of what happened since the experiment. Yes. This is also partially a survival manual just in case you're in trouble. Anyway, let's start.

Ever since the experiment went wrong, I've had a feeling of loneliness. Of course, my friends relieve that feeling whenever I'm with them. But it always comes back eventually. No matter what stands in it's way.

The experiment was a fun one, according to my parent's phones. It had explosions, explosions and more explosions. It would've cheered me up if I was there. Of course, if I was there, then I wouldn't be here today.

The accident that happened was a miniature atomic bomb in a "indestructible box" suddenly detonating. Luckily, the destruction area was small enough so it wouldn't destroy an entire city.

Unfortunately, it was big enough to destroy all the adults in the area.

The experiment was global, meaning there were multiple experiments scattered around the world. There were 3 in the ____________, about 5 in _______, and so on. Everyone went to them, only 1 dollar a ticket.

Unfortunately, that was enough to destroy about 92% of the adults on Earth, according to my statistics. The remaining 8 percent? Overpowered by the kids, who weren't allowed to go with the adults. The adults now run the different power stations, agriculture and Wifi transmitters we kids need, mainly in ___ ____________.

Hol' up, enough explainin' for now. I need a glass of water. *chug* *chug* *sigh of relief*

Anyway, me and my friends now live in a central building we used to call the Clubhouse, even though no one made clubs there. We made our beds, put our stuff in, and did nothing. Except me. I researched everything I could find, learned and learned until I could recite every article on the internet, did experiments, went insane for 10 days, kept on listening to Bruh Moment again and again, and became the only scientist in ___ ___________, since everyone was busy playing games with each other. I even built a laboratory. Only I knew what was in it.

Erm, what's next on the script? Characters...ok. So I'll just give you a small description of my best friends, and I'll end this video. Hmm...who do I pick first? How about Miguel?

So, Miguel. He's a weird guy who likes guns and bombs and all sorts of boring "Soldier" stuff. A good friend, sometimes deals out an insult without knowing it, just a average dude, really.

Next, Ayesha. Kinda energetic and sporty from playing soccer, doesn't like Gab much, and uses long-range projectiles, like balls. And I mean soccer balls. Not the other kind of balls.

Uh, Gab. Thinks of himself as a ladies' man, stupid and immature in general. We would've kicked him out a long time ago, except he's pretty good with guns, nowhere near as good as Miguel, but respectable.

Mr. Jako Lantern himself, aka Jakob-With-A-K. Yes, he has an AK47 and would gladly like to shoot you with it. Basically the cool guy in our group. The secondary joker. I'm the primary joker. Lol.

Alexa. Not my favorite person in the world, but a good fighter, Uses fucking poison-coated knives to kill. The most stealthy person in our lil' group. Refused my offer to be my girlfriend. I no longer care.

Um, who else? Actually, I'm gonna put the rest in another video, my mouth doesn't wanna work anymore. Besides, I can't remember the rest. Erm, see ya in the next vid! Bai! Ok, now how do I turn this off? Is it this button? Nope, that's the volume. Is it thi-


Ah, it's off now.

"You done recording?" said someone right behind me.

"HOLY SHIT! DON'T SNEAK BEHIND ME YOU IDIOT!" I yelled. I turned around and Miguel was right there. "Ha, gottem. Anyway, Ayesha's calling a meeting. Come on, get out of your lab. We have a meeting." He said. I grumbled, but I had to go to the meeting or I'd be annoyed by Miguel.

Rick skip says "never gonna skip you up, never gonna-" A/N kicks him out of the book

"Ok, who spread food on the table? This is for talking and meeting, not eating, You all have your own rooms to do that." Ayesha grumbled. I raised my hand slowly and guiltily. "You make something for everyone and you don't use it yourself?" Gab snickered.

"Says the one who didn't use his own advice about girls." I retorted. He sulked for a second, then continued looking at all the girls. Did I say looking? I meant staring and hoping they'll like him back. Typical idiot.

"Anyway-" Ayesha pushed all the food off the table, ruining my hard work as she talks, "-we have a big problem. And a small one. Which do you wanna hear first?" She said. "Big." Gab said. "Oka-" Ayesha said then Gab said "Big dick in yo-" like an idiot. And we all shook our heads, wondering how much more we could withstand before we kidnap Gab and throw him to the mutant wolves, while Ayesha slapped him so hard he fell over his chair.

Future A/N: huh nice ending XD. also who makes a time skip "tiem skep tiem skep" i better change that- *changes it* there we go, thats better. anyway, bai! *mumbles something about chap 6 being special* *mumbles even more about this story only going to have at least 20 chapters and i still have 15 more to do* *mumbles sh*t* *takes a nap* *dies*

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