Chapter 4: I Meet New People

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"Its Ayesha," I joked. And of course she slapped me again, and wow, that hurt.

"In all seriousness, its someone called Ben Dover. Yeah, I'm serious, that's what appeared on my screen," I informed everyone.

And maybe I'd know who this guy is if Ayesha would just tell me what the big problem is. Sadly, she's pretty independent and won't tell anyone info until she absolutely needs to. Pity. I'd probably know who this criminal mastermind is in 5 seconds if I had info.

"I know a good bit about this guy, but I'll need to tell you the big problem so you can understand who this guy is. Got it?" Ayesha said.

"Got it," We replied. "So, this guy is the head of an organization (hooray, I guessed correctly) called Project Spectrum. Their objective is to take over the world with insane light weapons, and they aren't messing around." Ayesha explained. "They are currently at a government building called 'Spectrum Central'."

"Last week, they successfully destroyed _____ Industries with fire and flash bombs. I've heard of their defenses and attacks and they're pretty dang strong, strong enough to penetrate our base. We need to protect our base or at least ourselves from them. Got it? Got it? Hello? Are you taking a- oh my gods, they're taking a nap."

She then tried to poke us awake. It didn't work.

Well, until she threatened to use a flamethrower, of course.

She filled us in again, then sent us to bed with no dinner. But she forgot I put auto-food-givers in our rooms.

Mm, hamburgers.

So, we took a nice, long nap for the night.

A/N whispers to you: Hey, there's still more! I need to get to at least 750 words. Anyway, read on, read on. Besides, if I ended the chapter there, I'd be run over and killed by the readers-

Future A/N: lame a/n lmao

I woke up, fully rested yet pretty hungry. I dressed, took out a drawer, which turned into a table, put a plate of food, ate it, (not the plate) and went out of my room.

But as I came out of my room for the morning, I noticed all the doors were open with mess coming out of them. I went into Miguel's room, found it rifled and messy, went into the other's rooms and found them the same way. All of them were messy...except for mine. Because I keep my door locked with 10 different keypads, hand, eye, and thumb biometrics, 2 physical tests, and even a weight checker.

Security? More like Insanity.

I immediately started to deduce what happened here. The only people who would dare attack a base of ours would be our strongest enemies, i.e Project Spectrum. They're the only ones who could possibly even get in here, because I designed this base to be almost impenetrable.

It has (*long and dreary 10 minutes of boring science talk later, blah blah blah blah blah blah*), and that's why only Project Spectrum could possibly get in our base.

I went into the other rooms, and found out all of them were the same way. No one was left here, except me. But I could hear someone breathing, somewhere in the walls. Only one person could prepare for a sneak attack and make it out alive...Alexa, since she's the sneaky one in this group. I immediately went to her room, scanned the place with my thermal sensor, and found her hiding, gods forbid, under her bed.

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