Chapter 2: A Few Problems Arise

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Suddenly, we could hear running footsteps getting louder from the door. We all took out our weapons just in case it was unfriendly. As the door opened, the person yelled, "Sorry, sorry, I'm late!!!"

"Hi Late, how ya doing?" I said, chuckling.

Then everyone groaned while I laughed at my own joke. Annica came in and sat down in her own seat, and said, "Can someone give me milk tea or something? I haven't had a drink since I've woke up." I was holding a box full of milk tea while she said this, so I slid one over the table straight to her.

"Thanks!" She said. "Yeah, you're welcome." I said.

"AYIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Everyone jeered. "Bruh. Shut up or I'll feed you to the incinerator." I grumbled. They only laughed at me. This sucked. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you: I made the whole building myself, so only I know everything about it. My friends helped a bit, placing bricks and materials and stuff near my builder robots so they could construct the building while I relaxed and drained our milk tea supply.

Yeah, I love milk tea. And? I'm pretty sure some of you like milk tea too.

And also, we are in the year ____, just in case you're from the future. Or the past. Whenever you are. So that you can understand what is our technology today.

Anyway, back to the present. No, not your Christmas present, I don't have one for you. Ayesha continued, "Since Gab said I talk about the big problem first, I'll talk about the small one instead. So, you know how much resources we use everyday, right?" Everyone nodded at this. "Well, I've seen the precise amount our resources are depleting at. In layman's terms, I've seen how much our stuff goes down daily. Yesterday, as I was eating dinner in my room, I saw our resources depleting much faster than usual this week. Even though it's almost Christmas Day and everyone's preparing presents for each other, our stuff was being used much more faster than last year, so it is a serious problem."

"So what do we do about it? We can't just ignore it, it might be a burglar slowly stealing our stuff, and besides, our supplies are starting to get dangerously low." I asked. "Your mission? Go down to the storage units that we use and figure out what's going on. If there's something or someone that shouldn't be there, either stun him and bring him here, or if he or she's hostile, send them to hell." Ayesha stated.

"Coco, Miguel, and Annica, you're the ones that I've deemed the most valuable on this mission. Coco, you identify how much we have left, and if the robber is human, identify him or her. Miguel, capture the robber if passive, or eliminate him or her if hostile. Annica, defend them if the robber's hostile, and help Miguel imprison the robber in one of our temporary jail cells. Got it?" She said. "Got it." We replied.

"So, do I talk about the bigger problem now? Or do we wait for Coco, Miguel and Annica to come back?" Ayesha asked. "Just wait for us, you'll need reinforcements on whatever this big problem is." I said. "Ok, now, meeting dismissed! You guys on the mission, prepare. The others, go back to your rooms." Ayesha said. "Yes mom!" Everyone joked. "Oh, shut up, be serious, GO BACK TO YOUR ROOMS OR NO COOKIES AND MILK TEA LATER!" Ayesha yelled.

As we went back to our rooms, laughing, I took out my phone. I had enough. "Perfect. Now I can start building my newest project, the one that they wouldn't approve of." I muttered to myself.

Future A/N: that ending is noice and editing is ez lmao. ezer to change smtg than to create smtg from yr head. ez.

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