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After a very long day of driving and flying and driving some more, we came to a stop and I finally became aware of my surroundings. 

We were parked in front of a very large house, and I thought for sure we were in the wrong place. Maybe this was where Miss Lauren lived? But why take me here?

She got out of the car and I followed close behind, thanking the driver quietly before swinging my backpack over my shoulder and holding onto the straps for dear life. She walked up to the building and knocked on the door, stepping back next to me as we waited for someone to answer.

My heart felt like it was beating out of by chest as the seconds passed, which felt like hours.

I heard faint footsteps approaching the door and stood up a little taller, taking a deep breath to try to calm myself down.

A lady with strawberry blonde hair answered the door, looking very calm and professional about the situation. "Hello! You must be Lauren." She smiled, to which Miss Lauren nodded.

"I am." She beamed, holding me by the shoulders. 

"And you must be Alexandria." The woman continued, looking over at me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and stepped forward slightly, sticking my hand out. "You can call me Alex." I smiled as she shook my hand. I immediately liked her.

"Pepper Potts. It's wonderful to meet you, Alex." She stepped back and held the door open, gesturing for us to come in. 

I didn't move, not sure if I should go or not. Miss Lauren went first, and I decided I had no other choice but to follow her in.

I tried to be as professional as the two women before me as I looked around me in awe, stunned by the sheer amount of space and luxury before me.

No way was I in the right place.

"We're here for Tony?" Miss Lauren asked in a hurry, looking way too excited for the situation.

"Oh, yes, about that." Pepper hesitated, her smile fading slightly. "I haven't gotten the chance to speak this over with him, so I'm not sure what kind of reaction-"

"Oh, it's fine." Miss Lauren interrupted, irritating both me and Pepper. What was the big deal? This was supposed to be my big moment, not hers. "I haven't given away any information to this one, either." She grabbed me by the shoulders, making me twist around to give her a look that demanded an explanation. She ignored me.

"Right." Pepper said with a tight smile. "Well, I'll go get him for you, then." She said, getting more annoyed by the minute.

She went to go find him and I looked around at the huge house, an uneasy feeling in my gut.

"Look, I specifically did not agree to see anyone today." A new voice said, sounding almost familiar.

"I think it's pretty urgent." Pepper said, walking into the room, with none other than Tony Stark trailing behind her.

When we walked into a mansion and Pepper was talking about a man named Tony, I expected anyone, literally anyone, other than Tony Stark. I had always wanted to meet him for as long as I could remember, amazed by his work, but this was not the meeting I had imagined.

My eyes grew wider than ever, suddenly feeling very out of place and... poor. 

I was hyper aware of everything about me. My posture, my clothes, my hair, everything. I felt like I was under a microscope, being judged by someone I had looked up to for years.

He froze and we just stared at each other for what felt like forever until Miss Lauren spoke.

"Mr. Stark, it is an honor to meet you." She said with an uncomfortable amount of excitement.

Unexpected // An MCU Story (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now