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Dean was in the common room when he heard the door open

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Dean was in the common room when he heard the door open.

"I said I was fine, Elle."

"Well, I don't believe you."


"Sorry but I can't argue with Elle and you know it."

Dean notices the boy between Estrella and Scorpius. What surprised him was he looked nothing like the twins. The twins had blonde hair, the youngest boy was brunette which meant he took that after his mother. The only thing that held them as siblings were their eyes. While Scorpius had brown eyes Estrella and Lucas had grayish-blue one.

"The fighter returns home," Lucian said walking up to the youngest Malfoy. "How are you?"

"Like I can still kick your ass in quidditch."

Lucian smiled and shook his head as he held out his hand towards the youngest Malfoy.

Dean let out a soft chuckled. He certainly had a challenge.

"Everyone," Lucian said as all the students gather. "Lucas meet the new students. Rebecca Rosier, she's from Beauxbaton. Justin Avery and his young Dean are from Illvermony. Henrick Yaxely, Adam Selwyn, and Benjamin Burke from Drumstrang."

"Why is everyone are here pare of the 28?" Lucas asked.

"28?" Rebecca asked.

"The scared 28," Lucas said as if it's the most obvious. "The twenty-eight British families written by Cantankerus Nott that are still in the old day's purebloods."

"Aren't you a smart one," Benjamin said.

"It wasn't written by Cantankerus Nott,"  Stepahine said. "The author is aynonmous."

"You can believe what you want," Lucas said. "Doesn't steer from point everyone here is part of it. This means our families were part of the death eaters and the stupid idea that the wizarding world should be only pureblood."

"And I here I thought things would get boring," Owen said coming down the stairs. "Lucas Malfoy, this place has been utterly boring without you."

"Wait Malfoy?" Rebecca said looking at all three siblings.

"He takes after their mother," Maria said walking over and going to hug Lucas.

"Hi Maria," Lucas said hugging her hack.

"You..." Maria said stepping back. "Frightened all of us, little one."

"I apologize if I did."

"Lucas," Ulysses said walking over.

Lucas smiled and high five Ulysses.

"How are you, little man?"

"Fine, and I'm not that little."

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