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Estrella walked into a room down the hall. She found dean sitting up in a low whisper with his brother Justin. the two looked up to see the blonde girl. Estrella stood there with her hands placed in front of her. 

"Apologies, I didn't mean to intrude I could..." she stepped back out when Dean gave her a small smile. 

"Get back in here."

Ella scoffed. "I don't take orders from you. I'll come back--"

"Nonsense Malfoy, I was going to get something to eat. Be back," Justin told his brother. 

Dean glanced at his brother who nodded and patted his shoulder before standing up and passing Estrella. 

"I told him," Dean said as Estrella stepped inside. "Apparently he knew. Didn't say anything because well, my step-mom would throw me into the streets if she knew."

Ella walked over and stood at the foot of his infirmary bed. 

"they... The ministry is requesting that you and I go and speak to Dalphne," Ella told him. "Apparently she only wishes for us to interrogate her and... there's been a revelation."

"What do you mean?"

"She's not relative," Estrella said. "She not biologically related to you." Estrella then placed her hands behind her back as she focused on Dean's shoulder. "Apparently my grandfather's crimes are never ending as she's actually my aunt. My father's half-sister an affair he had with your adoptive father's little sister during the war."

"Huh... makes sense."

Ella glared at him. "You're not making this easy."

"Hey, I found out that I'm the dark lord's son. You just found out you have an aunt, who kidnapped us."

"My parents want us to testify, we were both there when she decided to.. what's the phrase? "Jump ships"? Dalphne is sorry we can give her a chance. She's never grown up with family, my mother thinks perhaps we can be her family even if things don't go swimmingly through the trail, we'd still go visit her in Azkaban."

"I'll testify," Dean replied. 

"You would?"

"On one condition," Dean said leaning back against the bed. 

Ella sighed. "Why am I not surprised?"

"I want to take you out on a date."


Dean smiled. "Of course not now, when things clear up. Since my brother is of age, he's still determined to adopt me and gain full custody. We've decided that returning home isn't an option anymore. And there's not much back home other than our mother, who we've decided to keep away in a distance. Here I can pursue medicine."

"But your brother's only seventeen."

"He's of age here, it's a deal we made with the Ministry as they want to keep an eye on me."

Ella then walked around and sat in front of him as their eyes locked onto each other. 

"Then that would mean... you would be attending Hogwarts?"

"If you'll have me," Dean said keeping his eyes on her. "Will you?"

"You should know," Estrella said letting out a sigh. "I'm known to be particularly emotionless, and if you're sorted in Gryffindor well I'm afraid I have no other choice but to utterly destroy you."

"And if I crush you?"

Ella scoffed. "Please, you crush on me."

Dean shrugged. "Who am I to deny that?"

Once Long Ago.... [Book2Of"Why Him?"]Where stories live. Discover now