Chapter 9

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Pain rippled like the ocean on a windy day throughout Kat. The damage from her fall into this place seemed like a flick of a finger on the scale of nothing at all to stepping on a LEGO.

Seconds passed, and soon enough Kat was able to detect the source of her pain. The axe had sliced through at least a decent amount of layers of skin, and was bleeding slightly, like a cut. The injury wasn't very large, but deep enough to where it sent Kat almost at the point of crying, which she probably would've done if her eyes weren't so dry. Kind of like tripping over a curb at school, you wouldn't have cried if you fell on your own but the embarrassment of it actually happening in front of kids you know was enough to make a person crawl up and die for the rest of a day.

Yelling erupted throughout the room. "Bastard! What the hell were you thinking?" The angry voice was easy to point out, but behind all that Kat could hear whimpering. Not from I.B, no, but the ink figure behind her.

Ignoring the desperate thoughts in her head telling Kat to kick I.B in the shins then take away his kneecap privileges, she gripped her arm like a temporary bandaid, and turned towards the wolf. Smiling weakly, she extended her hand, then felt the soft fabric of gloves gripping her hand hesitantly before she fainted.

Kat's vision adjusted to the sudden bright light. She was sitting upright, similar to the position she met I.B in except her hands and legs were free. Her head hurt like hell, and she was incredibly dizzy. The room she was in was large, like an apartment. Slowly regaining consciousness, she coughed, which seemed to alert someone else in the room.

"Why are you with him?"

The voice was feminine and fragile. Kat could sense fear in her voice. Recollecting her memory, she recognized the figure in front of her as the wolf who had thrown the pipe. Ignoring her question, Kat drowsily stood up, steps uncoordinated and turned in a circle.

"Where's... Innnnnnnnn-k?" The words were dragged out, and Kat wasn't able to finish his name before she had to sit down again to not slip out of consciousness. Boots stomped on the floor, and the wolf circled Kat, her tail flicking in interest and impatience.

"Oh frrrrick. He hasn't told you, you don't-" The wolf paused, taking a deep breath. "Listen. I barely remember my own name. This is a lot for you to take in, I realize it. But you've gotta work with me, please. That man is a murderer. I scared him off for now, but he'll be back."

Kat tilted her head sleepily. Why couldn't she go back to sleep? Sleep sounded nice. However, she also wanted to know what was happening.

"Uh. Alright- name?"

The wolf hesitated, then adjusted her bow tie. She stuttered a response. "D- no, wait. Am I even her? No- Just call me Boreo."

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