2 (more s*x)

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"Dream.. how about I get your number?" He asked, "s-sure.." Dream got his boxers and jeans back on, getting his phone out of his pocket.

"Here..." he gave his phone to George, "thank you, I'll be sure to try message you later, once I'm done with my shift." He smiled and gave Dream back his phone.

Dream's first time ever.. getting head.. from a hot stripper? AND A MALE? He was living a fantasy right now, he couldn't believe this. "You alright?" George asked, "yeah.. u-uhm.. thank you." Dream laughed a little, "don't worry about it, hope you'll be like that more often.. I want to see you here more frequently too, okay?" George kissed his cheek, "bring some lube next time too~" he whispered.

He watched as George left the room, he couldn't believe this, he felt like he was in a dream right now. "What... just happened.." He pinched himself to see if this was a dream, but no. It was real.

Later that day once he'd gotten home, he still hadn't forgotten about it, his friend even noticed a change in his behaviour, he always walked him home and Dream was always so talkative when walking home, but this time he was dead silent.

"Before you leave Dream, what's been up with you today? Ever since we left the club, you haven't spoke once." Luke finally said, "I... just need to think about some things." Luke laughed, "you thinking about going back tomorrow or something?" Dream rolled his eyes and shut the door on him.

Does he have a shift tomorrow..?

Dream waited for a notification from a text message but everything he was getting was just Twitter notifications. Until 25 minutes later, he got a text message.

: Hey it's me, George!

Dream: I thought you weren't going to message me for a moment! But I'm glad you did. Anyways, why did you need my number?

: well... I wanted to see if you can come next, Friday at the same time as today? :D

Dream: Well... I don't see why not, I don't have any upcoming plans I suppose.

: If you're coming, remember the lube.

Dream laughed and replied with...

"Of course."

He put his phone down on the nightstand next to him and sighed.. had he already fallen for a boy? Already... it's only been a day, I guess he's just that lonely.

He got another text message:

Luke: Are you alright, man?

Dream: yes, I'm fine. :)

Luke: okay, good. Hope you aren't lying to me.

Dream: I'm not, I never would.

He scoffed as he looked at the messages and put it back down before walking over to his bookshelf.

I should really buy some new books to read... he sighed and walked away, over to his bed laying down. "Fuck where's my notepads..." he searched his drawers and finally found them.

Remember lube on Friday

He smiled and placed it on his desk and he got back into bed.

*jump over to Friday because nothing happened Thursday 😍*

"Fuck-" Dream squinted his eyes, it's so bright... he thought to himself.

He checked his phone for the date, "it's Friday already?" He smiled and immediately got off his bed, searching his desk drawer for any lube. "Found it!"

Money Is The Reason - DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now