Chapter 2: Into the Woods

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The heroes found themselves standing on the edge of a forest.

"This is starting to be like my favorite fairytale," said Gary, clutching a basket.

"Are you sure we can trust in you, Larry?" said Cody.

"Mother says that this place is dangerous."

Cody remembered a sign called "Don't enter this forest."

"Never mind if your mother says that this wood is a dangerous place. We have to find the first Purity Diamond!" said Larry.

Our heroes entered the wood.

But they soon wished they hadn't.

It was really a muddy swamp.

The "forest" was big, and deep, and roofed over with thousand-year-old treetops that turned the sunlight into a dim green memory.

Walking through it was tricky.

The mud was so thick, it made navigation near impossible.
Half of the swamp was filthy water, and it was deep. On a few occasions, the heroes had nearly drowned.

The terrain wasn't entirely submerged, of course, alternating between muddy sections and semi-solid paths and pools of varying size and content (some of said content being alive.)

Eventually, the heroes came to a solid bit of ground amongst the horrible, horrible mud, and got on it.

"When are we ever going to get a break?" asked Cody.

"We nearly drowned because of you dummy!" said Gary.

"That's not the least of our worries!" exclaimed Larry, filled with shock and terror.

He was right. Suddenly, a strange girl appeared.

 Suddenly, a strange girl appeared

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"Who are you?" asked Hank.

"I am just a low-ranking minion of this evil woman you seek to defeat called Bara. The shining light of the south... heir to the Book of Despair... I am Teiko!" said the girl.

"And now we must duel, like two swordsmen in the Middle Ages!"

This started a battle.

The battle was hard.

Just then, a light engulfed our heroes.

"Heroes, you've been chosen to be given swords." said a voice.

Our heroes got new swords.

They used their swords to fight Teiko.

Larry then knocked her into the mud.

"No!" Teiko wailed, climbing out of the mud as she ran.

"Well, that's taken care of." said Larry.

Just then Gary got a red colored Diamond out of the mud.

"This is the Ruby Diamond!" said Larry.

"Two more to go!" said Gary as he put it in his basket.

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