Chapter Seven - Seven Deadly Sins

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"So. Why the fuck are we here, exactly?"

The Sins sat together at the meeting table, each with varying degrees of annoyance. Gluttony picked his teeth. "I asked you a question, Sloth. Why are we here?" His eyes narrowed. "Whatever it is, it clearly isn't important enough for Greed and Pride, since they didn't show."

Sloth chuckled deeply, straightening his tie as he stood. He always sat at the head of the table. "My dear friend, please, take a load off! Unwind! This is a time for comrades to meet up and discuss!" He purred, his arms outstretched in a friendly gesture.

Sloth made Gluttony sick. He was way too nice; it was clearly an act. Gluttony theorized that Sloth probably punted babies in his free time or something. Nonetheless, he spoke up. "It's a valid question. We've been here for hours. What's this about?" His question prompted a frown from Sloth. "I suppose Greed and Pride have no intention of showing up..." He sat on the table, taking a quick puff from his pipe to clear his mind.

"Another slaughterhouse was raided."

Gluttony couldn't believe it. "That's what you called us for? Those slaughterhouses aren't even our responsibility! I knew this would be a waste of ti—"

"I detected Black Matter in the building."

Everyone went silent. Even Lust looked up from whatever she was doing. She perked up. "What does that mean?" She asked, her squeaky voice considerably more shaky than usual.

Ah, Lust... Gluttony was never sure how to feel about her. Because of her Diablo Tumor, she was always in need of... stimulation to survive. That would normally make it easy for Gluttony to take advantage of her. She was an easy meal, being a rabbit-type demon. Everything she did made Gluttony's appetite grow... and grow...

"Hey birdbrain, quit staring at me before I rip your head off, mount it on my wall, and cook your dick for breakfast."

But, on the other hand, she was a mythic bitch.

Gluttony rolled his eyes, looking back at Sloth, who was suppressing a laugh.

"Amazing question, love. It's very likely that we have our little friend amongst us. And, considering that place was raided... she is likely with Mystique."

Lust lowered her head, lost in thought. Gluttony raised an eyebrow. "She?" It was a simple question from Gluttony, but it made sense. "How do you know the user is a she?" Sloth gave him a patient smile.

"Her name is Mia Kasstro. She's my little sister."

. . .

Mia stirred softly in her bed, slowly opening her eyes. Casey and... someone else... were sitting in a chair beside her bed, dozing quietly. She couldn't help but smile. They're so peaceful... even in a place like this.

Mia blinked away some tears that attempted to escape her eyes. She had a strange temptation. She couldn't place her finger on it, so she let her body move automatically.

Mia placed a hand on Casey's head, gently petting her fur. She purred softly.

That pushed Mia over the edge, tears streaming down her face. She didn't know why.

Casey opened her eyes, looking at Mia with a drowsy expression. "...You're... okay..." She saw the faint shine of tears on Mia's face and leaned closer. "Hey... why are you... crying...?" She wiped Mia's tears away, frowning. "You can... talk to me..."

The truth is, Mia had no clue where to start.

. . .

It was around three years ago. Mia was sitting in the train station with...

"Hey Mia, what's wrong? You're spacing out again." Charlie. Mia looked up at Charlie. "Oh, nothing... just wondering when the train will arrive."

Charlie was Mia's closest friend. Mia knew that, no matter what, she could trust her. Charlie always protected her, speaking up against ration officers whenever they would spit in her food or call her unsavory names. Mia felt close to her. She was like a sister to her.

She was the only family she had.

"You sure? You just did it again." Mia flinched, looking back up at her. "S-Sorry..." she apologized sheepishly. Charlie gave her a patient smile, and Mia's anxiety was washed away.

"I'm here for you. You can always talk to me, little sis!" Charlie always called Mia that. In a way, it was true. Charlie practically adopted Mia as her sister when they first met. Even though she was a Lottery candidate, and Charlie wasn't, she still...

Mia lowered her head. This memory has gone through her head time and time again. She knew by now that there was no happy ending here. She knew how the trip to the train station ended. She knew what those Sins did to Charlie. What they almost did to Mia, herself.

Because she could never forget. She could never afford to forget. Because this was a reminder. This was the sole reason she survived this long. Because this tragedy taught her the most valuable lesson of her life.

When that man said it. The man in the suit, with the kind eyes.

"This world... is cruel. And the only way to paint the portrait of your future... with blood."

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