Epilogue - Reunited

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"Mia! Hey, Mia! Over here!"

That dumb, dopey, idiotically optimistic voice was unmistakable. Mia dashed through the cafeteria with her food, sitting down at a very particular table. Micah waved at her, grinning widely. Everyone was there, uninjured. There was even a new girl: A tall, white and brown rabbit demon with bright purple eyes.

Her polite, quiet expression told Mia that she was much more comfortable in her own head, so she decided not to pry too much. She looked around at her friends, smiling brightly. "I'm so glad you guys are okay!"

"You're glad? You disappeared on us!" Micah put on an exaggerated pout. "We thought you died on us, hmph!" Mia chuckled softly. "You're so dumb, y'know that?" She flicked his forehead, prompting a fake yelp of pain.

She looked at Remi. "Hi, Remi!" She smiled brightly at him.


He was just... Looking at her.

"Remi, what's wr-"

"You smell familiar."


Remi lowered his head, looking conflicted. "Who... Who took you...?"

Mia closed her eyes, trying to visualize her captors. "A black crow... and... a... blue wolf-"

Remi nearly choked on his drink, immediately standing up and storming out of the cafeteria. Mia stood up and pursued him, despite the protests from the others.

Mia followed Remi into one of the closets in the hall. As soon as she was in, the door slammed and locked behind her.

An overwhelming sense of danger overcame her.

Remi was stood alone in the dark, facing the wall.

Mia wanted to run.

He turned around, looking down at her. His eyes glowed a deep orange.

"Do you have any siblings, Mia?"

"Uhm... I-"

No. Don't think about him.

"I don't... think so..."

"You don't think so?"

"I don't remember..."

Remi pondered for a moment. "You've lost someone, right? Everyone in Mystique has."

Mia nodded. She lost Charlie.

Remi kneeled down to her level. "Tell me... When you lost someone you cared about, what did you think?"

"I... I was scared..."

"Of course you were. It's always scary... but what else did you feel?"

"I felt... sad... angry..."

It clicked in her mind. She realized what he was trying to say.

"I wanted to make them pay."

"Did you hurt the blue one?"


"Did you kill him?"

"That wouldn't be satisfying enough."

What was she saying? She covered her mouth, collapsing. These weren't her words, they-!

Mia felt Remi's arms wrap around her. "I'm sorry for scaring you, I just-" He sighed sadly. "...That man killed my sister."

Mia closed her eyes, regaining her composure.

"He killed mine too... When I find him next...

...I will kill him."

CALAMITY (#1) - The LambWhere stories live. Discover now