Abort Mission: FINALE (Yuta NCT)

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Third Person POV

The drive to Lucas's house was long for Yuta and Abigail. Mainly because they had so much on their minds. One was focused on letting go and other was just in complete sadness and rage of wanting to kill Wonho. Yuta wasn't surprised that Abigail hated herself for this, he was just genuinely heart broken over the fact that she was lied to and betrayed by the same person he once trusted.

Now fate lies in their hands to see how they can end Wonho's life.

When they pull up to Lucas's house, there are two bodyguards dressed in black with shades on. Abigail looks at them to see if they were going to harm her out of instinct but saw nothing. She stares at the modern decor from the outside the mansion. By looking at the design, she could tell Lucas was a rich man.

"You ready?" Yuta voice fills the car and Abigail looks at him with determination before nodding.

He gets out of the car first and opens the door for Abigail. As she was getting out the bodyguards looked at them suspiciously before one of them walked over.

This bodyguard held a straight face and his vibe was intimidating but not to Abigail or Yuta. He looked to be about 6'2 but he was very big. His skin was bronze and his hair was white making his skin complexion stand out more.

"You guys are here for lunch, correct?" He asks in a deep voice.

Yuta nods as he stood up straight next to Abigail. "Yeah."

The bodyguard looks at Abigail curiously before looking at them. "Follow me." That's all he says before the couple followed him into Lucas's house.

Once they entered, Yuta looks at Abigail and grabs her arm before she continued to walk.

"I just want you to know that if I knew my life would turn out like this just to be with you,"

Abigail could feel the tension and thought that he was going to say something hurtful cause she understood why he would want to. She was the one that betrayed him and she was the one that let him go.

All she deserved was pain.

"I would do it all over again." He said.

She faced him and Yuta looks down at her hand wanting to hold it so bad. "I would do anything for you even to forgive you after you have done is paper weight because I love you."

Before Abigail could say anything to him, the bodyguard comes back and looks at them in confusion.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

Yuta steps away from Abigail as she stayed starstruck and faces the guy.

"Yes, let's go." He says before walking with the bodyguard and Abigail followed shortly afterwards.

In the meantime, as all of this was occurring...

"What news do you have for me now, Doyoung?"

"Abigail, sir." That instantly made the 28 year old man to turn around and give Doyoung a death stare.

"What about her?" His voice already darkened.

"She's with Yuta now, they found each other from her last mission."

Doyoung stuttered as he tried to calm himself down then his boss did the most wicked laugh before sitting down on his chair. Leaving the frightened man confused.

"Let the games begin, Yuta Nakamoto." Wonho smiled wickedly as he took a sip of whiskey.

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