Chapter Five

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Remus wandered in the back of the mind as he often did. He liked it back there; it was dark, peaceful, quiet. Everything he wasn't. And that's what made it great! Back there, no one would bother him meaning he was free to eat as many worms as he could fit in his mouth and no one would stop him. It was perfect.

Currently, that's just what he was doing. On the 96th worm too, with another hand full and ready to stuff in his face. The way they would wriggle around and squirm in his mouth tickled him. How some would slide down the back of his throat and into his stomach; it did something to him, something only Remus would understand.

Inching on the 100th worm, he was just getting ready to drop it in the pile when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He chuckled to himself, deciding to scare whoever was coming up to him. He waited for a second, not moving until the booming boots stopped and they were close enough to hear him breathe.

"Remus, my brother!" The intrusive side was overjoyed knowing it was his brother he got to disturb. As he slowly rose up from the ground, he whipped his neck around quickly showing off the full bouquet of worms gushing from his lips.

However, when he saw the state of Roman, the worms fell out of his mouth in shock as he gawked at his brother. "Roman? What did you do to your outfit? Trying to copy me?" Remus asked, sliding his hands under his chin innocently.

"Remus, I have come to ask you to be bound together with me once again," The king declared. Something in the other side's spine shook. He didn't like the feeling crawling down his back like a spider with a thousand needle-like legs.

"R-Roman, what are you on about?"

"Is it not quite obvious? I'm fed up with the others! I'm taking control of Thomas and the rest of the mind palace but my power isn't strong enough alone. I need more. I need you, Remus."

"You know better than anyone that I can't stand some of those guys over there," The side scoffed, brushing his hair out of his face. "But I can't let you do that."

"Think about it! This could be your one chance to get back at everyone! To show them all that you're capable of! To prove to them that you are more, way more than a useless, disgusting, untouchable freak!"

"No." Remus was fast to answer, watching his brother's face take on shock, "I know I'm all those things. And that's fine! But you're not going to convince me by saying I'll get the chance to do all that stuff. Especially when I know you'd only be using me! So go ahead, call me useless, disgusting, an untouchable freak. I know I'm all those things but you forgot another word. I'm not a fucking fool."

Roman's features were harsh and angered as he looked down at the floor. And then he laughed. A wicked, ugly, disgusting laugh. The side opened his hand, his shadow appearing from thin shadows as he gripped it with copious energy riding up his arm and throughout his being.

"Be that way, Remus. But know one thing. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!" The King took charge at Remus who was quick to summon his weapon and defend himself. Their weapons clashed together multiple times as Roman kept swinging at his brother, intent to hurt deep in his eyes.

Remus took no swings, no jabs, no thrusts. He didn't want to hurt his brother, he just wanted to live at the end of the day. He kept his face neutral and hard, not wanting his brother to see his fear and use it as an advantage.

To be honest, he was afraid. Roman had never been like this. Even when they were fused once, this had never happened. He would get angry but never like this. This was a different Roman than he ever knew. It was hardly his brother anymore. And that, more than anything, is what made it sting the most.

The intrusive side saw an opening as his brother began to tire. With as little force as possible to not do any major damage to the light side, Remus crashed his mace into Roman's stomach which lowered him to his knees. From there, he left the mace balanced on his back his one foot on his leg, pushing it into the ground. At last, he had the upper hand.

"Give up, Roman. Playtime's over. Whatever game you're trying to play, I don't want any part in."

"You say you're not a fool but you really are one," Roman laughed, gazing up at his brother. More voices began to pour into the back of the mind. Light shined in as he could see the others in the distance. They called out both of their names which got jumbled the more they talked over each other. Remus just stared at the group running closer, trying to catch the words they were saying but couldn't.

Until one thing rang out clear.

"Look out!" In a fast blur, Remus felt Roman grab his legs and pull them out from under him. The side fell back onto the ground, roughly smacking his head. Just before Remus had the time to get up, Roman pushed his mace to the side and placed his hand on Remus' chest which began to glow a blinding light. He fought and fought against his brother but it was too late, the process had already begun.

And as the rest of the sides drew closer it was clear, there was nothing that they could do.

The room went white.

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