Chapter Eight

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The crown smashed into the ground, shattering into a million pieces before the shadows that created it retreated back into the walls. The King stood there in shock, a bright light encompassing his body as the singular form became two.

Both twins fell forwards into the ground, Logan catching Remus while Patton caught Roman. Virgil's straitjacket faded off his body and disappeared while Patton's wounds healed themselves, the magic of The King dying as he did.

Out of the two, Remus came to first. He groaned and shook his head, finding the strength within himself to stand. "Are you okay, Remus?" Logan asked, letting him support himself.

"I think so. What about him?" He asked, pointing to his brother that began to wake. Roman brought himself to his feet, a hand on his head and blind confusion in his eyes.

"What the hell just happened?"


They explained everything to Roman. He was overwhelmed with shock. How could something like that happen? How could he let that happen? How did he let everything else get ahead of him?

"And then...what happened to Janus?" Roman asked.

"He fell into the pit in the back of the mind palace," Virgil informed, bringing both creative sides hot tea to calm their minds. "But, he said as long as we fixed everything that it would all turn out okay. I don't know exactly what that means though. How do we bring him back?"

"You already did," Said a familiar buttery voice. Janus marched down the stairs into the living room, a small smirk on his face as everyone gawked at his entrance. "What? I told you it'd be okay."

"" Logan pondered, getting off his chair and going as far as to grab onto his cape to make sure it was really there. "You were gone. I watched you disappear. You cried, you were scared!"

"I was scared. Because if you didn't stop The King, I never would've come back. I knew he was too powerful and could override my forming again. But you beat him. And I was able to come back."

Roman didn't even look at Janus, not even when everyone got up to hug Janus on his return. He stood still, a hand over his mouth in embarrassment and shame which the snake noticed immediately. When he was released from the hug, he pushed himself over to Roman, sitting next to him with an extended hand for a shake.

"What's that for?" The prince asked, looking at it like a plague.

"Truce. Or apology, whatever you're willing to accept," Janus told him kindly. "I'm sorry that everything I said and how I acted towards you the other week drove you to this. I didn't think that this would happen; that I would hurt you and Thomas so badly. I know that you don't see it, but I am trying to help Thomas whether you know it or not. I want the best for him just as you do. My ways of giving that to him are just...different than yours."

Roman didn't take the handshake.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around Janus warmly, bringing him in a deep hug that Janus returned with a few small pats on his back.

"I'm sorry too, Janus. This went way too far because of me. It wasn't fair to you."

"Aww! My kids are finally getting along!" Patton cheered in celebration, running over to hug them both. "Ooh! Why don't I make some dinner! We can all have a big happy dinner like a family!" Patton started getting to work, everyone else getting up to help in the kitchen like the family they never wanted to admit that they were.

However, when everyone's backs were turned, the shadows swirled together on the walls. Projected in shadows were two firey blood orange irises, watching the six unite as one. The eyes closed and faded away.

Gone. For now.

The King - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now