Chapter Two

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Roman felt him awaking more and more. And as his sense started to come to him, the feeling of a warm hand running through his hair came to him. His blurry eyesight was able to make out a light blue polo with some grey wrapped around it. Brown pants and black squares around their face finished off his look. That and a bright, gentle smile that made the Prince oddly sick.

"How are you feeling, buddy?" Patton questioned, scooting over so the elegant side could sit up. Patton's question hit him weirdly. How was he feeling? Definitely not like himself. He felt better than himself. A whole new person. A whole better person. And he liked it.

"I feel wonderful, Patton!" Roman exclaimed, stretching out his back while Patton eagerly clapped.

"I'm glad, kiddo," He said, trailing off for a small second. "And, how are you feeling about everything that happened yesterday? With Janus and all?"

"I'm not sweating it. Besides, he was right."

"About what part, buddy?" Patton asked, confusion evident all over his face.

"Who really is the evil twin?" Roman smirked, sending a sharp glare in the father's direction. Patton's face tinted a slight side of red in embarrassment and confusion. What was that supposed to mean?

"Roman! I'm...I'm surprised at you! You are not evil! And neither is Remus! Both of you have different attributes that make you who you are! However both of you are not evil! I can't believe you would suggest something like that!" Roman seemed to snap out of whatever thoughts had made him say that. He shook his head, rubbing his temples harshly.

"You're right, Patt. I have no idea what came over me. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be, kiddo. It's okay. Everything is gonna be okay," Patton leaned in and gave the prince a giant hug. Roman returned it, feelings tears prick at his eyes. Despite everything, he still felt absolutely awful. So empty and numb. When they pulled apart, the fatherly figment noticed Roman's scared and partly red hand. He picked it up gently, loosely rubbing his thumb across the scars. "What happened to your hand, buddy?"

" mirror," Roman muttered, making Patton look over his shoulder to see all of the broken glass on the floor and the remainder of the frame hanging on the wall. "It, uh...fell off the wall. I tried to catch it, but it broke on my hand." Patton didn't comment on the odd chain of events that Roman was telling him, but he went along with it.

"Okay, well, I'll go get Logan and the first aid kit. You stay here, maybe wash your hand off and I'll be right back," With that, Patton got up to leave, a look of worry mixed with his hazel eyes. Roman shrugged it off, standing up and heeding to Patton's advice.

He ran his hand under cool water with some soap. The leftover blood washed away, as did the grossness of the areas that were beginning to scab. The Prince sighed to himself, rubbing his face with his free hand to try and wake himself up. Why did he say all of that to Patton? He didn't mean any of it. He didn't think he did anyway.

As he looked up into the mirror and turned the tap off, his reflection startled him. In the mirror was a Roman with a pure black crown with blood-red jewels at the top. His hair was pointed and curved upwards while his cheeks had dry, black tears flowing down them. His sharp teeth were smiling back at him and his green, beady eyes stung him.

Mindlessly, he put his hand to the mirror, seeing that his reflection's sleeve was pure black and all of the gold accents were red. This couldn't be right. This wasn't real! Maybe he lost too much blood and was starting to see things. Or maybe, this was his true intentions finally showing face.

"Roman?" Logan asked, watching him from the bathroom doorway. The Prince yelled in shock, stumbling back and clutching his injured fist. A few seconds of him panting went by either of them spoke again.

"What the hell, dude?! You don't just silently watch someone in the bathroom! What if I was in the shower?! Or getting dressed?!" Roman exclaimed.

"Well then, I'd like to hope that you would've at least shut the door. Or, if any of that were true, I would hear your actions before calling your name to come and assist you," Logan remarked, making no facial expressions what-so-ever. "Speaking of which, why don't we look at your hand, hmm?"

Logan lead Roman back out to his bedroom where Patton was eagerly waiting. They all sat together on his bed while Logan opened the first aid kit and applied a cold cream to Roman's hand. "How's Virgil?" The Prince asked, getting estranged looks from the two.

"He's still pretty shaken by what you said to him, kiddo," Patton told him solemnly. "He's with...with Janus right now, trying to calm down. He knows that you were just upset but, that was still no reason to yell at him and say what you did."

"Patton is correct. Even with heightened emotions and feelings towards Thomas' deception, you had no place to be yelling at Virgil for faults he did not cause," Logan added.

"Stop it!" Roman suddenly grumbled, catching both of the sides off guard.

"Say that again with increased volume, Roman."

"I said, stop! Both of you! I don't want to hear about that damn snake! I don't want to see him here ever again! He ruined everything!!!" The Prince screamed, latching his hands to his head and growling.

"Kiddo, hey! Please calm down! Everything's okay, buddy!" Patton tried to console. Roman sprang up and grabbed the father's shoulders gruffly, digging his nails deep into his skin. "K-Kidd-ahhh! R-Ro, that hurts!"

"Roman, enough with this behavior! What has plagued you?!" Logan yelled, getting him to release Patton from his iron grip.

"I....I-I..." Roman stuttered, slowly gaining sight back as to what he was doing. He looked at Patton who had his hands over his shoulders, covering up the little amount of blood soaking through his shirt. "Patton, I'm sorry!"

"I know, kiddo-"

"You are far from forgiven, Roman!" Logan butted in, guiding Patton out the door with the first aid kit under his arm. "You are to stay in here until you figure out what is going on with you. When you are ready to talk, I will gladly help you and get you what you think you need. Until then, I will see you later."

With that, the door shut, leaving Roman stranded in the darkness of his room. He looked down at his hands, then up to himself in the broken mirror. Even in the remaining shards, he could see the dark version of himself that he saw before.

But as he approached it, the reflection shifted back into his normal look. His sharp teeth clenched together as his fist became tight. "Janus ruined everything!"

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