Chapter Seven

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The King marched proudly into the throne room he made out of what used to be the living room of the mind palace. This room was so much better. It had his throne, his sword, and all access to anything and everything Thomas was doing. It was perfect.

He sat atop his throne, sipping lightly from a golden goblet of wine, cackling at everything he had created. The cup shined and shimmered in the bright light of his throne. He gazed at himself in it, seeing an angered reflection of Remus inside it. The King laughed at his brother's face, holding it close to his nose.

"Having fun locked away?" The King asked mockingly.

"They will stop you!" Remus growled, "They'll come and get you! They'll free me and together we'll all stop you!"

"Oh, you wish. But you have to admit to yourself, Remus. It's hopeless! I've won! I have Thomas all to myself now. Especially since everyone else has met an...unfortunate demise in the pit!"


"Yeah...I can already feel Janus' presence wither away, meaning everyone else is soon to follow."

"You're a dead man, you know that? When I find a way to overpower you, you'll never see the light of day in this mind palace again!"

"Too bad you never will. Because once Thomas is in my full control, you'll fade away just like everyone else." Remus yelled and screamed from his reflection in the cup. At first, The King mocked his performance. Then, he could feel it. Remus' power began to grow inside him, his force and presence growing over Roman's as he tried to take over.

The King dropped the goblet to the ground, wine spilling all over the ground. He gripped his hair tightly, fighting for his reign in the consciousness of his own mind. It hurt. It really did hurt, his head wouldn't stop throbbing as both voices fought for control.

He opened the eyes he was unaware were closed. The King brought his hands to his face and squeezed his hands together. A sigh of relief passed through him. The King was still in control. But could that last for long? He was unsure.

The King glanced up as he regained control, footsteps crowding his mind. There on the stairs were three sides he least expected to see. They stood tall and powerful still despite one of them being in a straitjacket, one beaten up, and the other with tears dripping down his face. "How are you STILL HERE?!" The King hollered.

"We could ask you the same exact thing," Virgil snarled. The King summoned his weapon holding it over his head getting ready to strike. Just before he did, Virgil jumped over the stair railing while Patton ducked behind it and Logan ran down the stairs. His sword pounded into the wooden stairwell, The King growling at the sides surrounding him.

"You think three versus one scares me?" He mocked with a scoff.

"No, but it's not three versus one, is it? It's four versus one!" Patton called out, standing up holding onto the remains of the stairwell. "Remus, we know you're in there, kiddo! You can fight him! We already saw you do it! You have to be better than The King!"

"He's not your brother anymore!" Virgil yelled. "He's been consumed by power! You know this, Remus! You can fight him! Just get the crown off his head and this can all be over!"

"No!" The King screamed in fear. He wildly swung his sword around, aiming for Virgil who ducked underneath the taller side. The sword looped around again to Patton at the stairs who squeaked in fear, ducking under it and running over to join the other two sides near where he usually appeared.

"This isn't over!" The King shrieked, shining his sword in the air. Lightning cracked down on the sword, with it his power drawing from it with flickering lights all over the mind palace. The three sides groaned in weakness. They could feel their power drain the more The King's power took over Thomas' mind.

"Roman, stop!" Patton begged, the pain getting to him.

"I AM THE KING!" The pain began to increase, bringing both Patton and Virgil to their knees. Logan gripped his head tightly, his hands growing nearly see-through at the rate his power was decreasing. There was no denying it. He was powerful. Maybe they couldn't win. "Give up, Logan!" The King whispered to him, "Bow down to your King just as your little friends have."

"No..." Logan breathed, panting and sweating, "Fight him, Remus! Fight him! For me. For Virgil. For Patton. For Thomas. For Roman. For Janus." Logan spoke breathlessly.

"Just give up already! You've clearly lost!" The King was huffing and puffing as his powers faded out, his power like a boiling-over pot. He launched the sword over his head, running at full speed to the three huddled together. Logan held his hand out to protect his friends, standing like a statue in their defense.

They could hear his breath in front of him, they could even smell his breath he was that close. But the sword never came. Logan was the first to peel his eyes open. The King was right in front of them, frozen in place. But something seemed different Logan. The usual mismatched eyes of The King were instead both red.

The pupils were shaking, however, black tears crying down his face. It was Remus. He was finally in control of the giant form. The sword clashed against the crown, he lifted his shaking hands to his head, hands just about to grab the crown.

"Do it, Remus," Logan spoke calmly, staring him dead in the eyes. "Make everything right. Bring Roman back and then we can save Thomas and Janus."

"Don't do it, Remus," The King's mouth spoke despite Remus stating in control. "Keep me in power. We can make this right. We can rule together, make everything right together." The hands floated away from the crown slightly, his breath growing rough and harsh.

But then his hands clutched the crown, and it was ripped off his head.

The King - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now