What's Going On

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~The Mysterious Woman's POV~
[*The time is close to when Bora was leaving the studio*]

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day that I officially start the career of my dreams. I had auditioned for a group that was looking for a 7th member. Of which, I had to compete with many other women. To say the least, it wasn't easy but here I am. About to debut. I am a nervous wreck. Will they be nice? Rude? Cold? I guess I'll just have to find out tomorrow.


Tonight is a beautiful night. One that allows me to relax as I walk on the city sidewalks. I can never be too careful though. Being alone in the city at night is not for the weak. Luckily, I am prepared for anything. 911 on speed-dial and pepper spray in my hoodie pocket.

As I'm walking, I find myself getting lost in thought. My body goes into "auto-pilot" and I just keep walking. My mind dances from thought to thought. Some good, some not. As I get out of my head and back into reality, I noticed that I'm being yelled at by a woman. Why is she yelling at me? Suddenly, I hear "Hey! Can I do something for you?"

Oh gosh. I was staring, wasn't I? I probably look like a creep. Like the casual midnight stalker turned serial killer. Time to walk away. Yep. Time to go. Bye beautiful woman. I immediately turn around and walk away. Wait... Why do I think she's beautiful? Oh well. I should get home. It's getting late.

I get home and start to sink into my couch. TV loud with 'Criminal Minds' playing. I probably shouldn't watch this late at night but hey, it's good to know all of the killer's secrets. This show is the main reason that I can't trust anyone. Especially not immediately. They have to gain my trust.

My eyes grow weary and my body grows heavy. Before I could get up and go to my bed, I fall asleep on the couch.

"Hey! Get away from her! Stop!" I yell as I pull out my pepper spray and call 911. I haven't felt so much adrenaline all at once before. My hands shaking, eyes focused, and mind only having one thought. Bora is in trouble. I yell again. "Hey! Get away from her! I will hurt you!" Soon enough, a dispatch personnel answers the call. "911, what's your emergency?" "Bora! She's getting attacked in the alley by some other woman! Oh no! She was knocked out! Bora, I'm coming! It'll be okay!" "Okay ma'am. We're sending units your way. Just stay on the phone with me."

I didn't even hear anything after I saw Bora get knocked out. It hurt me to see her like this. She can't go like this. No. She just can't. I see the lights and hear the wailing sirens get closer. Soon enough, units arrive to the alley along with an ambulance. "Bora! Are you okay?!? Bora!! Hey! I need you to wake up! Please!" I see the officers and paramedics heading to where Bora is. I start running faster towards her. I eventually stop right next to her. "Hi Bora. I'm Officer Moonbyul. We got a call saying that you were ambushed and knocked unconscious. Can you tell me what happened?" "Hey. Please don't ask her any questions."

I start to cry. Not just a light cry. In fact, I'm sobbing. Afraid for my lover's life. She just can't die. How could I let her get hurt like this? Why was I so far from her? "Hi Bora. I'm Paramedic Ryujin. This is my partner, Paramedic Lia. We are going to get you on this stretcher and get you into the ambulance. This will be incredibly painful. We're sorry about that." No. This isn't possible. I don't want her to be in more pain than she already is. "Please be careful. She can't die. Please don't let that happen." I say with pain in my voice and tears in my eyes.

I see an internal struggle and outward pain on Bora's face. I then see her look at me just as the paramedics put her on the stretcher. She immediately passed out. No no no. "Help her!" "Ma'am we're going to. Can you please tell us what happened?" Asks Officer Moonbyul. I try to answer but suddenly everything goes dark.

I rapidly get pulled into reality. I open my eyes. I'm awake. I'm sweating. Hard. It was as if I just ran a marathon. What just happened? Did I really dream that? I look at my phone to see that it says 4:32 A.M. Oh gosh. That was a terrifying dream. Why did it feel so real? Who is Bora? Was I really in a relationship with her? What's going on? I allow those thoughts to cloud my mind as I head to my bed. What a way to sleep before a big day. Once I lay in bed and pull the covers over me, I drift back to sleep. Hopefully I won't have another dream like that.


Hopefully you liked this chapter! I definitely tried to make it longer than the others. 😊

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