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TW: Sexual Assault

*That Night // Siyeon's POV*

As she was heading to bed, Siyeon could only think of how to find SuA. Knowing she was somewhere out there with no help, who knows if she has food or water, and alone. As her eyes started to swell with tears, she laid on her bed, feeling exhausted. As her tears fell onto the pillow, the blonde-haired woman allowed exhaustion to consume her.

"Siyeon!! Please, Siyeon!! Help me!!" the brown-haired woman screamed. Chained up, SuA was suffering the consequences of her actions. Irene (Black Rose) had come back and was already working on her. With each hit, SuA only got weaker and unable to fight back. The brown-haired woman was losing the fight and Black Rose could only laugh. "I told you that you would regret spitting on me, now look at what I had to do to your pretty face." Laughing, Irene took a step back and looked at her work: a bruised and bloody woman, hardly able to catch her breath. Mesmerized, she started to get closer to SuA.

"G-get back...." SuA softly said, no energy left in her voice. "You know, you passed out before I could finish what I was saying earlier. Do you remember what I said? Don't worry, Bora, I'll make sure you never forget me and what I can do to you, not just with physical pain. Do you know why I say that Ms. Kim?", lifting her head up, SuA replies "No... But please don't hurt me again... I'll do anything." The beaten woman could only hope to be left alone. She wanted nothing more than to drift into the darkness of the warehouse.

Interrupting the brown-haired woman's thoughts, "Well, looks like I've broken the infamous Kim Bora." Black Rose smirks as she begins to take off her gloves while bending down in front of SuA.   Leaning closer to her ear, Black Rose says something SuA never expected or wanted. "You will learn to love what I'm about to do to you."

Pulling the chained woman up, Irene grabbed SuA's hips and pulled her closer. Inches apart, Irene raises her head into the crook of SuA's neck; biting and kissing. A moan suddenly escapes SuA's mouth as she tries to pull away but can't. She hated that her body reacted like this but she couldn't get away. After what felt like forever, Irene pulled away and let the brown-haired woman fall onto the ground. "Just wait until next time." Irene smirks and soon walks away.

In absolute defeat, SuA can't help but pass out.

Jolting up, Siyeon was in a daze; tears streaming down her face and heart racing. Even in the darkness, Dami woke up and hurried over to Siyeon. "Hey. Shhh, it's okay. You're okay. What's going on?" she asked. "SuA isn't okay... S-She... She's being hurt and touched but can't fight back..." cried Siyeon. "We need to f-find her now... She can't be there any longer.. She's so weak and the p-person holding her hostage is hurting her." The blonde-haired woman said in-between sobs.

As Siyeon cried deep into the night, each member took turns holding her and calming her down. Soon enough, everyone was asleep again. The night went smoothly from there when Siyeon  suddenly woke up with a realization: SuA is in a warehouse.

Unfortunately, Siyeon's dream was again, not just a dream.

*SuA's POV*

Ice cold water fell straight onto Bora's body, waking her up immediately. Shaking, she looked around and saw that Black Rose was in front of her, holding the bucket. "Well. Good morning, beautiful. Have a nice rest?" Black Rose spoke as she walked closer to Bora. Flinching, Bora pulled back. "G-good morning..." she whimpered in pain.

"I'm surprised you're even able to wake up, Kim. You're stronger than you look. Though, I'm not done with you yet. Get up!" yelled Black Rose while grabbing keys out of her pocket. As the brown-haired woman slowly stood up, Black Rose took the chains off her arms and legs. Finally unchained, SuA fell to the ground, unable to get back up.

"Come on." groaned Irene. Frustrated, she picked up the frail woman and took her to the other side of the dark warehouse. A singular light showed a small bedroom, bathroom, and security office. After last night, she needed SuA to get stronger for future endeavors and this is how she was going to get that. "Go take a shower", the woman said. "I-I can't..." SuA hardly let out.

"You can't? Awww. I don't care." grinned Black Rose. Her plan was falling into place and SuA was too exhausted to see it. "Take your clothes off and get into the shower. Now." she sternly said. As much as the brown-haired woman didn't want to do this, she wanted to avoid more punishment. Moving around to get her clothes off felt unbearable. With every move, SuA whimpered in agony. After about five minutes, the taller woman got into the shower. Suddenly, Black Rose turned on the frigid water, causing SuA's shrieks to echo throughout the warehouse.

*Black Rose's POV*

"Please! Turn it off! It's too cold!" the woman cried out, begging for it to stop. Black Rose couldn't help but feel a little bit of remorse towards the frail woman. With her feelings getting in the way of her villainess persona, she turned the shower knob and made the water warm. As the water got warmer, the taller woman released a sigh of content. This is the first time Irene felt in-touch with her emotions.

As she watched the woman shower, Irene couldn't help but feel guilty and excited at the same time. This was her idol, her obsession, and her crush. She felt horrible for beating her harshly but knew that if she wanted to have control over the smaller woman, that was the only way. Plus, all she could think about was kissing SuA and now seeing her and touching her body. She is crazy for SuA and wasn't able to control it; last night was her breaking point.


Coming out of her thoughts, Irene realized the shower had turned off; a bare SuA looking at her, pleading for a towel. Silently giving her a towel, the smaller woman went to get a new change of clothes and brought them back to SuA. "Get changed and go to sleep." demanded Black Rose. Without hesitation, the brown-haired woman slowly put on the change of clothes and went to the small bedroom. Lying down, SuA shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep. As she watched all of this, Black Rose had an idea.

Remembering she had the other woman's phone, the villainess decided to start the execution of her plan. Using Bora's fingerprint, she unlocked the phone and started on the messages. "205 new messages" scoffed Irene. Scrolling through them, she noticed something infuriating for her: Siyeon. This woman wouldn't stop sending SuA messages. This is where she wanted to start her plan. She needed to find Siyeon and the other members to befriend them. This would allow her to get close to them and she knew exactly how to; it was time to use her Idol status.


I am so sorry for such a long wait! I have been super busy for a while now but finally found the time to write! I hope you are enjoying this story!

P.S.- All situations in this fan-fiction are fictional and have not happened. Nor do I support or endorse SA.

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