New Beginnings

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*Bora's POV*
I groan as my alarm goes off. I squint my eyes open and look at the time. My phone reads 7:00 a.m. I stop the alarm and fall back asleep. The alarm goes off five minutes later. "Ugh." I mumble. I stop the alarm and decide to get up.

As I stand up, I feel a headache slowly starting to creep in. I go to the bathroom only to see that I look terrible. "I definitely need to take a shower and fix this. *Points at herself*"

I start to take my clothes off and feel a large pain in my stomach. I pull the shirt off and see an unusually large bruise near my ribs. "Wait. Did something actually happen last night?" I shake my head at the thought of last night. "Today is a new day. We're getting a new member. It's going to be good."

I take the shower, get ready for the day, and eat breakfast. I need to be at the studio by 9:00 a.m. The clock reads 8:17 a.m. "Perfect." I say to myself. I grab my keys, wallet, and phone. I walk out of the door and lock it.

I arrive at the studio shortly after. Early as always. Something feels different though. It's quiet today. I guess I can say that I got here earliest. I walk up the stairs and go into our studio. As I walk into the studio, I see all of the members quietly talking. I also see someone new but oddly familiar.

Everyone talking quietly makes me question if those are my actual members or not. They're way too loud to be quiet. "Hey everyone!" I shout as all of my members look at me. Smiling, JiU replies with "Hey Bora! This is Siyeon, the new member we were talking about!" It all makes sense now. They were quiet so they wouldn't scare the new member away.

I lead myself to the new member. "Hi, I'm Bora! Also known as SuA. It's nice to meet you." Wait. I thought. "Have I seen you before?" We both ask each other. I search my memory and remember her as the mysterious woman from my dream. I reply "N-no." Oh gosh. I hope she doesn't realize that I'm lying. "Oh okay. I haven't either." She replies hesitantly.

The atmosphere gets tense. The silence starts to engulf me and I can't do anything except look down and mumble to myself "Why her?..." "What?" All the members asked in unison. "Oh nothing. Just wondering when we're going to get practice started!" I reply. "Now, please!" Gahyeon yells.

***After practice*** [Siyeon's POV]

"Fantastic job everyone! Let's get cleaned up and get ready for our horror movie night!" JiU says. I find myself to be a bit of a horror movie fan but try not to show my intense excitement. I smile and shyly ask "Is it okay if I go too?..." Without hesitation, my members all shake their heads yes. "Thank you!" I say as I bow my head in politeness.

I start to get all of my things ready to go home. I head down the stairs and out the doors to go to the parking lot near our studio building. "Oh jeez." I think as a heavy thunderstorm is engulfing us from above. I quickly grab my car keys and run to my car. I hop in absolutely soaked. Thankfully I only live a 5 minute car drive away. As I'm heading home to get clean and eat, I find myself in a familiar situation. It's dark and rainy but something also feels different about this familiarity.

"Wait. Is that Bora?" I think to myself. "Wait a second. She's nearing the alleyway in my dream. I need to get to her before anyone else can. It's also raining like crazy. I can hardly see while driving. With that, I quickly pull over to the side of the street that she's on. I roll down the window and yell "Hey Bora! Need a lift?" Bora raised her head from under her hood and looked at me. "Oh hey Siyeon! I would really like that actually." "Hop in then!" I reply as I unlock the car doors.

I sigh a breath of relief knowing that what may have happened in my dream, would not happen tonight. Hopefully not ever. "I'm sorry for getting your car all wet." Bora says as she pulls me out of my thoughts. "It's no problem at all! I would hate for you to be walking in the rain like that for any longer." "Thank you so much. Really." Bora says. I smile at her as I turn the heaters on in the car and get lost in thought.

"Hey. You okay Siyeon?" "Yeah. Uh. I'm just thinking. Sorry about that." "May I ask about what?" "Definitely. Just thinking about how excited I am for the horror movie with you guys tonight!" I reply as I decided to not tell her the truth.

"Gotcha!" Bora replies. "What's your address? It would be dumb to just sit here doing nothing. Lol." I ask. "Of course! I'll show you the way." Bora happily replies. As Bora shows me the directions to her house, we create small talk. I find myself wanting to get to know her more.

She's absolutely beautiful. Her eyes draw me in and hold me there. Her body with being as small as she is, is toned and something I would love under me. Oh gosh. I need to get out of my own head. "We're here!" Bora yells as I stop the car. "Okay! Please be careful getting inside and I'll see you later!" She replies with something I don't expect: "I saw you in my dream last night."

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