The Abandonment

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The cold, Autumn breeze swept past, ruffling the untrained feathers of the Pegasus filly. Dark clouds above blocked Celestial's glorious sun, with a dark and eerie fog. Any noise from passersby's chatter or hoof steps were drowned out by the pouring rain accompanied with the crackling of thunder. The floor of clouds was left unshaken by the heavy rainfall from nearby cloud stations. The ponies in the rain though couldn't say any such thing. Ponies, out in such a weather, scampered off to their respected homes for shelter. While most sensible ponies would do this, two remained out in the cold, wet and almost abandoned streets of Clouds-dale. The younger Pegasus filly, had tears streaming down her cheeks. Her multicolor hued mane was wet and silky, laying on her side. Her small, cyan wings were drooping on her sides, her feathers dampening in the hard, cold rain from above. She stared up at her mother with pleading eyes. The other, older mare, stood with a firm, orange-eyed gaze rested on her daughter. Her fire red hair, normally swept up and looking like a literal fire, now lying flat against her head, waterier then fiery. Her sleek, teal wings were soaked from the pouring water.

"I said. Stay. Here, and don't. Come. Back."

Her voice was low and strict, had little to no traces of care nor love in them. The filly's eyes went to the size of pin pricks, as she managed to register what her mother meant by, 'Stay here' and 'don't come back'.

Tears started falling more and more as she thought about those words harder. Though, those tears were lost to the rain. She returned to her pleading look as she gazed up at her mother, "Please... what did I do? I'll... I'll... fix it, I promise... please, mom" She pleaded, between sobs.

Her mother shook her head agitatedly. She pulled out something from under her wing and gave to the filly, who reluctantly took it from her mother, "What you did, you cannot fix Dash. Read that when you feel... like it, just be warned, it is not the most [i]fun[/i] thing ever written", Firefly said, using her wings to air-quote the word 'fun'. Dash stared down at the letter, perplexed by what was written inside. By what her mom it wasn't something she'd like. The letter was soaked wet, makes sense, it was hidden under a wet wing. It had her family stamp, a lightning bolt jolting out of a cloud. She shot her head back up at her mother, who had begun readying herself for flight. Her aerodynamically trained body rinsed - attempted - off the water, her wings managed to get free from the wetness and somewhat returned to their sleek selves once more.

"Wh-what about d-dad? He... he wouldn't be h-ha-" The filly managed out through her sobs. She was not long after cut off by the older mare.

"He would never know."

She stated as she stretched out her wings and flew off, leaving an astonished and heartbroken filly behind. She fell to the floor in a heap of tears.

Did her mother just abandon her? Was she left to fend for herself? What kind of mother does that? Why did she do that? Did she fail her that much, to have earned this? What could she have done to be abandoned by some pony who's supposed to love you no matter what? Where was her father through all this? Why would he never know? Dash was quite close with her father, of course he'd know, he'd also care... right? That's what she thought about her mother, and look where that ended her up. Crying from heartbreak out in the middle of nowhere, thousands of miles from home, where no pony knew her, huddled up in a ball. Was there a place worse than this for one's pride?

She sat up and leaned herself on a wall nearby. The somewhat warmth of the cloud wall was all that comforted her that night. She hadn't moved from her place the next Morning, hoping that this whole thing was just a practical joke, and that her mom would come back for her, and take her home. But the day went uneventful. Just as the sun had rose that morning to declare that a new day had officially begun, it drifted down the horizon to call forth the dusky night. Fortunately, no other rainstorms were called in that day nor for the night. The filly was left starving the whole day, didn't move from her place, and stayed there watching the day unfold before her. Mares and stallions rushing off to work, little fillies and colts being bustled in to their school flight-bus, the senior citizens watering their plants. She saw it all, though none saw her. She was left forgotten by all in the world. She was nowhere near home, had no sense of direction and knew no adults that could help her. Sitting there she watched not only the day unfold but the mischief ensues. Little fillies and colts running around planking one another, setting up pranks on neighbors, scaring away any birds that dared venture up that high - the birds that weren't birds of prey, that is. Dash had thought about joining them, but decided to wait for her mother instead.

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