Chapter - 5 - Choco Who?

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She sat there, eyeing the exit, blinking repeatedly trying to comprehend wheat had just happened.

A colt, whom she barely got a word out off, randomly began punching her, then was taken away by that same mare that had dragged her here and some other stallion, and now she was left wondering what happened.

Questions after question popped up in her head.

Who was that colt?

Why did he attack her?

Why were the other fillies and colts cheering?

She sat there, deep in thought, different feelings boiled up inside her, she didn't know know which to be. Whether she should have cried out of pain, shouted in anger or apologised out of guilt, she didn't know. Her heart raised, her breathing fast and unsteady, she could feel herself shivering, that be from the breeze that past them by or the fear she felt, she didn't know.

She shook her head, trying to get all those questions out of her head, nothing seeming to work, though.

One simple question, that had been bothering her since the minute her mother flew off, reappeared, this time asking a different sort of question.

"Why is he like that?"

She asked, seemingly to the wide, open archway in front of her.

"No one really knows," came the voice of a colt she hadn't heard before.

Turning her head to face him, she met the gaze of that CC colt. He was staring at the exit, like she had been, though he was less in pander than she had been. He wore a scowl, his eyes were narrowed angrily.

"Knows what?" Dash asked simply. The CC kid turned his gaze to meet hers, his gaze as dull and lifeless as ever.

"Know how he became that way. He lives off of pony's cheering for him. He attacks anypony that gets him angry to any level,"

He paused, looking back at a crowd of kids gathered a little behind the two.

"See those kids over there?"

He asked, pointing one hoof at the group of fillies and colts.

They were gathered there to finish up the cleaning they were assigned. Most of the colts had brooms in their clutches while the fillies held onto the mops and followed the colts around, mopping up anything left by them.

What got Dash's attention was not how unified they seemed to be, no. What got her attention was something far different from their uniformed appearance. What got her attention was the fact that some, older seeming kids, had bandages plaster on them. From under their wings, to on their forehead, slightly covered by their bangs. These certain colts, she had not spotted before this. Either they were just hard to see, or she never turned their direction, or just blatantly missed them on purpose, the point still stands; they had more bandages on them than the kids she had gotten to recognize to an extent.

They weren't the kid she shared a room with while sleeping, they weren't the kids she had come across while eating. They weren't even the kids she had spotted when arriving at the gymnasium. They were older kids, seemed to be in their teenage years, a few seemed nearly at the age of eighteen. Though that was all she assumed, she had no idea how old these kids actually were.

"Those kids with the bandages are some of the other kids that got Cinder angry."

He finished.

Dash stared at the fillies and colts. Each wore the same dull expression as CC, it was odd. They all had the same look on their faces, and practically looked the same, while each seemed so different. One of the fillies had a hot-pink mane and a cream coat, while another had a dark red mane and a midnight blue coat. One colt even had a bright white coat and a bright yellow mane. Individually, they may have been equally as different and unique, but put them side by side, and they looked just about the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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