Chapter - 4 - Gymnasiam Trouble

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Trotting over to the brown coated filly, she felt a hoof wrap around her waist. She felt herself lift up from the ground, and taken away from there. She shot her head up at the mare who had grabbed her. It was the same cream coated mare she had come across not long ago. The mare seemed just as agitated as she was the first time they had encountered each other. She was mumbling something incoherent under her breathe, and her sharp glare was set forward.

"Is it so hard for you to listen?!"

The mare placed her at the back of the line, away from the CC kid. Dash merely blinked; was she supposed to do something? She wondered. The mare let another, long, groan slip her lips.

"Stay. Here."

The mare tapped a hoof on the floor,

"Don't. Go. Anywhere!"

Still very confused, Dash gave an obedient nod. What else was she to do?

"Follow this line, wherever it goes, you go"

Well that was counter intuitive. One second it was all 'don't go anywhere' then the next its all, 'follow there kids'. Nevertheless, Dash nodded, getting up to her hooves. The mare rolled her eyes, and trotted off, leaving her alone, at the very back of a line.

She shot her head back, Well, that was pointless. Why didn't she just stay with me! I mean if she hates me so much, why can't she just watch me!

Another small thought crossed her mind, she shot her head back at the line, which was now a few feet away from her. She scurried to the back of the line, following the rest of the kids to wherever it was they were headed.

The walk to wherever they were going was a long one. They passed through and by many places.

At first the walls looked dry and dull, with a door leading to some random room, spreading across the walls lie the holes on cheese, the found themselves in front of one almost every five minutes or so. A little further into their trot and now they were seeing walls of a mesh blue and green, a shade of yellow was even dotted about in the blue, which was painted right above the hues of green. Said green coat, made up more than half of the bottom portion of the walls. It closely reassembled a landscape of sorts, but was disturbed among the two by the sever lack of flair and attraction the walls just seemed to have.

The doors in this part seemed to have died down too. Instead of doors that decorated the walls, here it was chairs, plenty of them too. There seemed to be chairs placed nearly as much as the doors in the previous section.

Once they crossed this chair-filled section of their trot, they found themselves in a more sport-themed walkway. The walls itself repeated the words, 'Sports' or 'Game On' or 'Work Is Play' or something along those lines. This part didn't seem to have an abundance of anything aside from maybe those encouraging quotes plastered all over the walls. In fact there didn't seem to be a single door nor chair in sight, it was completely dull, if the quotes were non-existent that is.

They walked for quite a while in the sporty area, before they reached a massive doorway. The blinding light, made her, instinctively, squeeze her eyes shut. She didn't stop moving, just kept blindly trotting. She could hear the other hoof steps and so listened to them for directions.

When she could feel the blinding light subside, she opened her eyes, to see a massive gymnasium. The room was bright, more so than the room they were meant to play in not so long ago. The room had plenty of sport activities dotted around, such as basket ball hoops, plus the balls themselves. There also seemed to be a tennis court, for playing... well... tennis. It was in a more secluded area, but it was there. There was an area seemingly dedicated for relaxing, stretching, breathing and so on. This gymnasium didn't have the regular bleachers for ponies to watch them from, in fact it didn't seem to have that at all.

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