New Home Away From Home

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Water dripping from the tube ceilings echoed and bounced off the walls until it reached the sleeping filly. Her ears twitched, indicating her awakening state. Blinking, she opened her eyes, adjusting them to her new found location. Gray curved walls, one small hole to let the moonlight in and her out, and water dripping from the ceiling creating loud clinks as they hit the other side of the tube. She hadn't moved a muscle since she closed her eyes, which by the looks of it was this morning, which had completely drone by.

She stretched her hooves, buzzed her wings and let out a good, long yawn to start things off. She then turned her head toward the exit of this cell. She crawled over to it and poked her head out, trying to get a better look outside. There seemed to be almost no one out there. The streets seemed abandoned, same as last night She thought. Only some of the streetlights were on and nothing more, the moonlight seemed to be doing it just fine for those streets. She also didn't hear any beats of wing flapper, which meant he wasn't around.

Taking a breath, she slowly made her way out, but to her utter shock she was grabbed by her waist and lifted off the ground. The Pony who had grabbed her was not as she expected, she thought that perhaps it was the pony who had chased her the day prior, but no it seemed to be some Pegasus, mare, wearing glasses. Dash was tucked under her wing and was tightened every second or so. The mare's chocolate brown mane, was tied up in a loose bun, and had plenty of strands set off from the main knot. She wore red glasses, that hovered over her muzzle, staying in place. The look on her face indicated that she did not look like she was enjoying what was happening. She had her eyes narrowed, and was mumbling something incoherent under her breath. Her cream - almost white - wing was squeezing Dash more and more as they walked along. Dash tried struggling and she seemed to have gotten a bit unstuck when she felt something hard and painful hit her cheeks. Looking up she saw a furious mare looking down at her. She was now dropped to the floor, but due to the sheer shock of being beaten, she couldn't move. She never expected that.... It just didn't feel right. Looking up at the mare's sky-blue eyes, she saw her stare back at her, disapprovingly. She sat there frozen, unable to move.

The older mare shook her head, "I tell you to stay in one place, and what do you go and do?!" She flailed her hooves about, "You go running off, doing whatever the [i]buck[/i] you want! I thought you already knew the rules around here? No flying, no snacks, and definitely no leaving the property ground!" She said still infuriated. Dash blinked a few times. "Where is [i]here[/i]?" She asked still completely shocked and now more confused. The mare shot her a glare and rubbed her eyes with her wings. She then picked the filly up and continued her walk. Still not knowing what was going on, Dash decided to remain quiet and not bother the mare. She seemed quite aggressive and the last thing she wanted was for another slap to come her way.

The mare kept walking until they reached some massive old building. Looking around, she noticed a lot of things that suggested this place being almost run down. For one, the decaying plants placed near the path way leading inside. And two, the flimsy sign in front, it was made of wood, and was tilted to the right, as if it was hung up by a mere nail. The sign said something's about a 'Sunny Filled Orphanage'

Orphanage? She thought, Why would I need to go to an orphanage, my mom will back for me, I know she will! I just need to get out of here and find my way back! 

The mare opened the big wooden, and almost broken door, leading the two inside. Once in, she noticed a lot more things. Well for one, how massive it was, it seemed as though it could fit hundreds of kids in there. Two, there seemed to be a room in every direction she tried looking. None had signs over it to say what it was, but most had boards plastered onto the door, saying in big, red letter 'STAFF ONLY' as though the children there could read or something. Dash could, of course, but kids in an orphanage can't read, right? Is that how that works?

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