Chapter 24.

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School has officially started back up again. Fuck.

Today would be the first day going back after Christmas break. That also means a new semester and classes. I can already see the rumors of that picture Michael showed everyone. Oh, Michaels gonna be at school to. I haven't talked to him since last Tuesday.

This has to be the worst day ever because as soon as Luke and I get out of school, we have to meet up with Destiny's guardian so they can take her back.

"Vivian! You're gonna be late for school!" My mum yells.

I actually want to be late, but Luke's giving me ride so...

I rush downstairs and grab my book bag from the counter then I rush out the door, not even saying bye to my mother.

Luke is staring at me as I walk to his truck. I open the door and Luke doesn't seem excited about school either.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"To drive, yes. To go to school, no." I say as I buckle my seat belt.

"Well either way..."

"What do you think the people at school will say of that photo?" I ask.

"I don't even know. But I'm sure as hell I'm not gonna take their shit."

"I know right." I roll my eyes at the thought of everyone bashing us.


I walk into my first period, unknown of the people in there. My first new class is math and I got put in calculus, even though I should be in trigonometry.

There are people way smarter in this class and I feel dumb. Everyone looks at me strange and I want to flip them off really bad right now. Their eyes are piercing through me as I take my seat. I'm the last one here. Of course.

But then I notice something as I look around the room. This is the same classroom I met Luke in. I look at the sink and imagine Luke drying out my hair and wiping away my tears and makeup from Michael. Then at the desk when he took his cell phone back. Or even at the door, when he walked in and the main thing I noticed was his tattoos. But that was after I saw how different he was from everyone else.

Suddenly, a blondish boy that has tattoos up and down his arms walks in the room. He flashes a quick smile at me. But somehow his smile fades as his eyes dart to my wet cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking like he really cares.

"I'm fine." My voice is lumpy.

"No you're not." He says then picks up a tissue and dabs my face. I remain calm as his unmoisturized hand holds my cheek in place as he wipes under my eyes, removing the running makeup.

"What happened?" He asks.

Should I respond?

"Got always." I spill.

I do get bullied sometimes. Not as often as you might think. Just Michael. Damn Michael.

"You did?" His face is heartbroken. Why though?

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason." He turns away from me then back.

I look down at his jeans and notice that they are not sagged.

" don't sag your jeans?" I ask, clearly surprised.

"No, that's stupid. Why would I ever wanna' do that?"

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