Chapter 13.

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"What do you mean, what should I do for Destiny?" I ask.

"What are you going to get her?" She asks.

"Mum, I don't know if I'm going to get her anything. I just don't have the money and besides, there's no time. Christmas Eve is tomorrow." I reason.

My mum pulls her wallet out of her back pocket. No, I can't take money from her, can I?

She pulls out two one hundred dollar bills.

"Here, spend this only on Destiny." She gives me the two hundred dollars.

"Thanks, mum. I really appreciate it." I smile.

"No problem." She grins back.

Suddenly, the door opens and Luke comes in, smiling.

"Luke!" Destiny squeals like she did to me. She hops off the couch and literally runs to him. Luke giggles then lifts her up when she jumps into his arms. He raises her up by her stomach like she's flying. Many many giggles come from her and I'm really happy to see this.

Luke puts her on the ground and crouches down at her height level. "What's up baby girl?" He smiles.

"Watching Spongebob." She snickers.

"That's cool. High five." He says then puts his hand up. Destiny puts her small hand against Luke's large hand and he grasps it truthfully.

Luke pulls her into his chest and hugs her tight. I look over at my mum and she has a bright smile on her face.

"He would make an excellent father." My mum smiles at me.

Luke would make a great father, but he's not ready for that responsibility I don't think. He's only 18. I am no where near thinking about getting pregnant.

"Mum, are you saying get pregnant?" I laugh.

"No! If that boy ever got my daughter pregnant, I would hunt him down. Just saying." My mum says.

"Oh my god." I lean on my elbows on the the table.

Before I knew it, Luke is standing right there. Hopefully, he didn't hear anything.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sure." He agrees as I get up and take his hand, leading him to my room.

I close the door and walk over to my bed, where he's sitting.

"So..." I start.

"Before you say anything, Vivian, a thought has come to my mind." He states.

"What?" I decide to let him go first.

"What are we going to do for Destiny for Christmas?" Luke asks. Wow. He took the words right out of my mouth.

"I was actually going to say that."

"Beat you to it." He laughs slightly.

"But seriously though. My mum gave me two hundred dollars to Christmas shop for Destiny." I fumble to my back pocket and pull out the two hundred dollar bills.

He takes them from me.

"Oh damn." He says under his breath.

"Yeah, so I was thinking that you and I go shopping today."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, just to get it over with."

"Alright. But you wrap them. These fingers only work magic for one thing." He teases and I know exactly what he means. Oh, god.

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